Pc V/S Mac

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PC v/s MAC


PC and MAC both tend to identify each other as the arch rivals since both accounts for the same market. Both have targeted each other through different medium among which the advertisements have played a leading role whether it is electronic or print. Both tend to have the common objective which is to expand the market size to maximum possible limit by keeping the core values of the respective company intact (Derene, p.86). Although, both PC and MAC have certain limitations which intends to be highlighted in the course of this paper. PC and MAC both tend to serve the ever evolving market of today's world and therefore both need to diversify their presence.

The fact should be kept in mind that both try to outclass each other based on several innovations. Different people tend to have different perspectives thus the way they see the things are also based upon their liking for the product. Some people like MAC whereas, the other prefer PC. Every individual tends to have his or her own comfort level and based on that they tend to classify one of two brands as their personal favorite. In the context of this paper we tend to analyze and compare PC and MAC from different perspectives in order to craft a sound understanding of the subject.



For many users cost is the driving factor and those people thus tend to gauge everything from the perspective of the price. In recent years the price factor between PC's and Mac's have reduced die to different reasons and in different markets. However, the major reason for the difference in the price is the inability of the MAC operating system to run on a system with a lower memory and hard disk (Anonymous, p.5). Plus there are other secondary factors which tend to differentiate between the MAC and the PC's. Another reason which tends to give birth to the cost difference between Mac and PC is that comparatively. Macs have fewer models to choose from, low-budget PCs are much more affordable than Macs

Security System

Security system tends to be the major concern for any customer irrespective of what market the customer tends to belong to. Since Mac only tends to adapt those applications which are provided by the company itself thus the risk of any potential virus is almost negligible in the case of the Mac's. Whereas, there are various software houses that tends to formulate the software's for the PC's, thus the risk of nay virus hitting the machine tends to rise as far as the PC is concerned (Komando,69).

In this context of this paper the fact should be considered that Mac is less prone to the duplication of the operating system thus further reducing the vulnerability of the security system. Whereas, the duplicate operating system of the PC are readily available. Duplicity also means that the operating system of the PC will be less efficient since it will not be an original copy.

Operating System

The operating system which the ...
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