Paying For Healthcare In The Us

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Paying for Healthcare in the US

Paying for Healthcare in the US

France Health Plan System

In France, two different programs exist to improve financial access to complementary health insurance (CHI) and healthcare for low-income populations. The first one is a free complimentary health insurance plan called “Couverture Maladie Universelle Complémentaire, CMUC” which pays off most of the out-of-pocket expenses for the poorest. The second one is a subsidized health insurance, called “Aide Complémentaire Santé, ACS” and intended for households whose resources are just above the free CMUC plan eligibility threshold. The subsidy takes the form of a voucher which entitles holders to a premium reduction for private CHI taken individually. This voucher program can be looked upon as a smoothing instrument introduced to reduce the threshold effect induced by the free CMUC plan eligibility ceiling (Hilsenrath, 2004).

US Health Care

There are roughly 250 million persons dwelling in the United States of America. Every one of them has a require for productive reasonable and accessible health care services. Within the past 30 to forty years, the scope and cost of health care treatment and services has drastically changed. America's health care scheme is the most costly in the world. We spend two times as much per individual as other evolved countries. That is not because we are worse or more demanding and it is not because we get better results. By the usual assesses of health for life expectancy, infant death, immunization rates are not as good as most other evolved countries. In supplement, the United States is most probable the only evolved homeland that does not supply comprehensive health care to all its citizens. Millions of Americans are uninsured. This encompasses the ill, the poor, and minorities. Most of the remainder of us is underinsured, even while we occasionally obtain far more of certain types of health care than we need. We require restructuring the health care protection scheme in order that every American is covered. (Bettelheim, 2004)

Healthcare System in the US

Health care, mainly hospitalization and complex treatments, costs a lot and is very expensive for most people as they are not able to pay the exorbitant costs that are related to it. Total health care costs annually in the United States touched $2.5 trillion in 2009. Providing quality health care system would prove to be higher. Therefore, the cost of health care is shared by combination partly from of the person who is availing healthcare benefits, employers, health insurance providers and the government (Hilsenrath, 2004).

The employers provide health insurance and benefits to their employees (and their immediate family members) who are employed full-time. Some part of the salary is deducted from the employees to contribute to the cost of the coverage of benefits. Other people opt for private insurance. However, private insurance can turn to be very expensive or unavailable for many, especially for those people who have high risk factors of diseases or disorders. Also, those people, who are not financially stable, are older ...
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