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HRMIC Re-sit instructions: Assignment Two

[Institute's Name]HRMIC Re-sit instructions: Assignment Two


The astute handling and controlling of matters is believed to be the prerequisite of the management criterion. There are numerous instances, in which the managers get embroiled in situations that are not only perplexing, but also include certain ethical and legal aspects. In those situation, the astuteness and shrewdness of the diligent manger comes into play, where not only he has to bear in mind the underlying connotations attached to the given situation, but also the hidden aspects of the situation that paved way for a certain incident or mishap. It is only a matter of time when the manager endeavours to solve the situation rationally, or allows other factors to affect his judgment and subsequent actions. Therefore, it is highly imperative that a manager must fully analyse the situation, given both the rational and subjective aspects, and then may move forward with an action or situation, given the inclusion of the ethical and legal expression.

Brief Overview of the Case

The case that is made the basis of this assignment renders the same perplexing situation to the manager, as mentioned in the previous introductory section. Here, the manager is baffled by the given situation where the new recruits, who were hired to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations, are embroiled into certain issues, and the credibility of the management is being put under scrutiny, by one of the staff members given the unfavourable circumstances that are being faced by her.

At the outset, the case (situation number four) reveals that a company named Bolton Wanderers had endeavour to hire a number of coaches including a total of three male physiotherapists, as well as a nutritionist. These physiotherapists and nutritionist have been hired other than the designated number of coaches. The case further reveals that there is only one woman, in the entire recent hired lot of coaches, physiotherapists and nutritionist, amongst whom the nutritionist was the only woman. After a short span of time, the nutritionist somehow assimilated that her pay rate was considerably lower than the coaches and physiotherapists, who were hired along with her. upon being discontent over the revealed information, the nutritionist opted to file grievance against the substantially lower pay, as compared to the other recruits. What she believes, in the current situation is that there are no substantial basis, over which the management can restore her to a lower pay rate, in comparison to others, given the job she does and the hours she serves. Hence, she is equally entitled to the same pay rate.

Its Underlying Implications

For a naive mind, the underlying implication may only confine to or revolve around the subject of equal pay rate for all. However, the real issue in this given case study includes a few other aspects, besides the debate of equal pay rate for all. At the outset, the basic underlying implications revolve around the core basis of the case, which undoubtedly revolve around the eligibility of the woman ...
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