Patient Satisfaction Related To Discharge Instructions

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Patient Satisfaction related to Discharge Instructions

Patient Satisfaction related to Discharge Instructions


Patient satisfaction plays an intricate role in health care organization. Their satisfaction reflects the quality of patient care provided by the health care professionals and also reflects safety and loyalty of patients. Patient satisfaction is the main goal for same day surgery. At present same day surgery trend has been widely adopted in US who is why it has become important for the health organizations to keep a follow up on patient's satisfaction that undergoes same day surgery.

Successful same day surgery depends upon good communication that could be done verbally or in written form. Well prepared verbal or written discharge instructions results in good communication between the patient and health care providers. It also improves postoperative care for patients.

Purpose Statement

Discharge instructions do have a strong influence on the patients' satisfaction undergoing same day surgery.


At present, satisfaction of patients plays an important role in evaluating the care provided to patients in clinical settings. It is the satisfaction of the patients that reflects upon the quality of the health care services provided by the health professionals. To assess the satisfaction of patients going through same day surgery, discharge instructions packets are provided to them. These instructions are aimed to improve communication between patient and consultant and also improve postoperative care for patients.

It has been seen that good discharge instruction has a strong impact on patient's health. Patients who receive good verbal or written instructions are less likely to readmit in the hospitals. These instruction packets have useful information that reflects upon self care and how patient can look after himself after discharge at home or how care can be provided to him by caregiver after the discharge (Stuenkel, 2009).

Effective Discharge Planning

Effective discharge planning has a strong impact on patient health outcomes. It decreases the incidence of readmission of patients at hospitals, increases patients' satisfaction and also leads to cost effective use of inpatient bed. Discharge planning is a part of continuity care process which is designed to prepare patient for next phase of care and support in preparing patients for the next level of care as postoperative care. The discharge planning consists of patient education in which the patient is made to comprehend the instructions provided to him that would assist him in postoperative care. Multimedia and verbal form of communication is used so that the patients can comprehend the instructions well (Rose & Haugen, 2010).

Factors that affect Patient Postoperative care

Patients need proper care instructions. Poor verbal or written instructions can lead to adverse health outcomes and often in readmission of patients in the hospitals. Adult patients with poor hearing might not be able to comprehend well the verbal form of instructions. They even require additional time to understand the provided instructions. Increased anxiety and fatigue of the surgery may reduce the ability of a patient to comprehend and process the medical advices and instructions properly. The family members and caregivers might not seek for detailed instructions ...
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