Patient Medical Records

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Patient medical records

Patient medical records; applying c


The patient medical records are the legal documentation of a patient's medical condition, managed and kept by then nurses. The management of these medical records might become hard for nurses in big hospital settings, where there are a number of patients that come for treatment daily. This paper records are huge, and they take a lot more space than the electronic records, which are not inside a computer system. This document explains the benefit of electronic records over paper records, which have become a problem to handle in a number of hospital settings. The nursing unit should be facilitated with electronic devices to stores the record.


The nursing shortage is at its peak, and the nursing staff is mostly over burdened in the clinical settings. The paper medical records took more time to be formulated in their proper shape, occupied more space and care, and they had the issues of understanding the handwriting of the doctors and nurses. Pharmacy errors were also common with such records. As the large hospitals handle many patients who have chronic diseases and visit the hospitals for a prolong time periods, the management of the medical records of these patients is also a responsibility of the nursing department in concern.The medical records are responsible to give the most appropriate information in the quickest time frame. It is therefore, important that the health records and the medical records should be error free, and they should be available whenever needed. For this purpose, the electronic records are generated.

The health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH), 2009 Act, stated that there should be a widespread of electronic health records in the United States of America (Menachemi, Collum, 2011).

The Stakeholders

The stakeholders' plays a pivotal role in implementation of the electronic health records ...
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