Patient-Centered Medical Home

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Since the population of the world is growing rapidly, along with the sense of awareness, it has created a demand for the premier quality of healthcare. Profession of health care is considered as very noble profession across the globe; however, in United States of America this profession has given primary importance as the government believes that growth of the country is dependent of efficiency and health of its citizens (Becker et al, 2004). In order to achieve the objective of healthier American the government has introduced numerous innovative technologies that have provided citizen with the treatment of diseases that were previously considered as incurable.

In addition to numerous innovative technologies, the government and the medical community of the country are working on numerous medical models that have the capacity to provide assurance that proper and adequate health care services would be given to citizen across the country (Kirchhoff & Kowalkowski, 2010). Majority of the health care center are working to enhance collaboration between patient and coming up with alternative medical models to provide relieve to the patients, as for these institutes providence of proper patient care is their primary responsibility.

In this paper, we will discuss in great length the meaning of Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH), explain the factors for the success of PCMH including its payment method, its processes, and its importance in the medical field and especially for patients.

The Idea of PCMH

The concept of a patient-centered medical home has a history of support from medical organizations. Already in 1967, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) developed the idea of the medical home to improve the health of youngsters with special needs. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) in 2004 predicted all Americans be able to access a home for their own medical needs. Two years later,, the American College of Physicians (ACP) created the advanced medical home. Then, in 2007, these three organizations (AAP, AAFP and ACP), along with the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) issued common principles of Patient-Centered Medical Home.

The National Centre for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has developed a PCMH Recognition Program in 2011, which recognizes the PCMH running in six standard categories. To receive recognition at any level a PCMH must undergo minimally these elements: access during office hours, using data for population management, care management, self-care process, monitoring and routing monitoring, and continuous quality improvement. There are over 1,500 NCQA-recognized patient-centered medical homes.

Patient Centered Medical Home

The PCMH is a model in medical care based on an continuing, personal relationship between doctor, patients and the latter's care team. No matter how much sensitive or ordinary he medical need of the patient, the latter will always have a team of a medical professional who will be ready to come to h/her at any time of day or night. The new model will provide patient a patient a medical "home"; a single, where a trusted medical doctor along with h/her team will be on a standby to provide comprehensive, continuous, and ...
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