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Case Study - Nurses Using Critical Thinking to Implement Patient Care

Case Study - Nurses Using Critical Thinking to Implement Patient Care

1. Identify what nursing assessments your patient requires during your shift and provide rationales of why.

Evaluation is systematic and continuous. The client's responses to actions are documented. Evaluates the effectiveness of actions in relation to the objectives. Data are used to check the continuous assessment diagnoses, objectives and plan of care, as needed. The reviews of diagnoses, objectives and plan of care are documented. The client loved ones and health care providers involved in the evaluation process, when indicated (Chapman & Durham, 2010). The assessment can be carried out as part of the nursing process when comparing the health status of the client with the objectives defined by the nurse. The evaluation is done by raising a number of questions:

Was achieved the target set in the plan of care? After obtaining the data, compare the current health status of the client with the objectives identified in the plan of care. If the answer is no, the objectives were appropriate? Sometimes the goal is not achieved, because the nursing diagnosis or action was inadequate (Dossey & Keegan, 2009). The target was defined with the customer may no longer be applicable to customer needs. Occasionally, circumstances or changes in client status invalidate the objective and demand a change in the care plan.

If the answer is no, they were exact human responses and related factors of nursing diagnosis? Sometimes the client does not get the goal because the nursing diagnosis is not accurate, applicable or appropriate. Actions were appropriate? By reviewing and evaluating each part of the care plan, including objectives and nursing diagnoses, will also judge the performances (Garber, Gross & Slonim, 2010). If the answer is no, you must review the plan of care? Evaluation of objectives leads to the nurse care plan review by the Nursing Process.

Quality assurance and process improvement dela same use the same steps as the Nursing Process. Based on assessment data, what is the problem that is preventing quality care? What is causing the rise in costs, customer dissatisfaction and professionals, delays or losses?

Planning includes the changes suggested by the team to improve the process? How can these changes be made? Who is required to participate in the process of change? How will we know that changes have been successful? Execution includes the changes are implemented after careful preparation, planning and communication (Irwin & Burckhardt, 2010). Evaluation includes the more data and compared with data from assessment to determine whether there has been improvement.

S = Subjective: verbal information obtained by the (the) user (s), personal or family health

= Objective: Information obtained through observation and measurement, the responses of (the) user (a) the physical examination, state of roads

A = Analysis: Is it found in the medical and nursing visits, vital signs, surgical wounds, drained fluid characteristics, laboratory data, radiographs, ultrasounds and consultations

P = Plan: Actions planned to improve medical diagnosis and nursing actions that ...
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