Pathophysiology And Pain Assessment

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Pathophysiology and Pain Assessment

Pathophysiology and Pain Assessment

The Problem

Jane is a patient 19, who has been approved in an emergency room complaining about stomach pain. She felt nausea and vomiting in the last 10 hours. He is anxious, pale, febrile and diaphoretic. He says the pain is localized to his lower abdomen. Appendicitis can cause lower abdominal pain is a state-Jane.

The Possible Causes


In most severe cases to remove the appendix require surgical intervention. If a person has severe pain or tenderness in the right lower abdomen, pain during walking vzhivote, nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite, fever, the patient should seek medical advice immediately. Pain in the lower left of the peritoneum may be a symptom of diverticulitis. The best way to prevent diverticulitis is to have diet rich in fiber (Dennis, Kasper, 2005,9-11). Dietary fiber promotes proper digestion and reduces pressures in the colon. Gradually increase the amount of fiber in the daily diet, drink plenty of fluids. Help prevent diverticulitis and timely bowel movements. Accumulation of waste digestive system entails an increase in pressure in the colon.


Severe burning pain in the upper and middle parts of the abdomen (between the breastbone and the navel) may indicate the presence of ulcers. An ulcer is a sore that forms in tissues of the stomach or upper intestine. One of the significant factors may be smoking, aspirin, ibuprofen or other no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Thomas, Andreoli, 2004,25-36). Ulcers can also be formed if the stomach cannot protect itself from the potent gastric juice. Heartburn alone cannot testify about the disease. Severe pain like heartburn can also be caused by less serious condition gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Issues with the Reproductive System

In women, abdominal pain may indicate any problems with the reproductive system. Pelvic pain that occurs each month before ...
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