Pastry Course

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Pastry Course

Pastry Course


Catering management is the art of providing food and drinks scientifically and aesthetically to a large number of people in a satisfactory and cost effective manner. The serving of customers involves all the capabilities of a good manager and skills for managing the cash flow, team coordination, satisfy customers affectively and play a commanding role in serving and helping the customers (Light, N., 1990).

Management can be defined as the art of collecting all the available resources including the abilities of every individual and organising them in an orderly and scientific manner, to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization. Management itself is a process by which all the people working mutually to achieve the targeted common goal. To look over all the management of any event or occasion there must be a good manger who conducts all the tasks and objectives to manage them systematically to organize the event. He/she must have the abilities of a good manger and have a good organizing skill to manage the whole event (Light, N., 1990).

As catering industry involves many diverse activities and a variety of commodities with multi services and products which creates a challenging job for a catering manager. The organizing of events on traditional and occasional basis creates a mass distribution of food such as the feasting after mass at Christmas. These catering industries really change the working, living and eating habits of people time by time. Christmas is an annual Christian festival where every Christian celebrates the Christ's birth that is held on December 25. The preparations are to be taken before so that every required behaviour and skill that is needed during the event can be studied properly (Joseph, R., 2000).


Task A

Christmas is held every year on Christ's Birthday, where a huge amount of crowd participates and there are many events carried out for celebrating that day. Managing a large amount of catering of food is necessary to be looked over so that there aren't any problems in serving or helping the customers. Aims and objectives are to be made so that a planner for achievements achieved can be calculated (Light, N., 1990).

To make any event a successful one, it is always important to follow certain adequate pre planning procedures and allow essential lead time to make an assurance of a successful event. The planning of why, what, where and who early in the planning process, it will help us in successful decision making during the event planning process (Joseph, R., 2000).


It is the most worth asking question at every beginning of any event; sometimes the answer in a feedback received might not be so confirmed too. The question of why will help our organising committee establishing the core values of current event being held. The core values will help in establishing the designing of the event and development in 'what' and 'who' to produce or to whom to serve the particular product or service in the event.


The “what” question will be asked to make sure what ...
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