Pastoral Ethics

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Pastoral Ethics

Is a Minister's Vocation a Career or Calling?

Is a Minister's Vocation a Career or Calling?


Vocation is the inclination to any status, career or profession. The term comes from Latin vocatio and, for religious inspiration is that God calls some state. So the concept is also used as a synonym for calling or convening. Vocation topic is always very important to discuss with your spiritual father. His absence, it could replace the existing permanent confessor. Generally speaking, the priestly vocation is analogous to Christ's disciples calling. One of the best vocations was the Apostle Matthew, who followed Jesus, leaving their previous customs officer craft. In calling, we can say, met three factors: the grace of God, sincere and concrete Matthew will call Jesus. The Spirit of God has already been prepared Matthew calling plan, and began to provide him with a certain grace. Matthew, as evidenced by his ability to follow Jesus, was enough to open such grace and Jesus' words: "Follow me" - Complete all of this work. 

As it is considered that the career counseling is very important and plays a significant role in the individuals life, a physically powerful spiritual or religious call to a career may be perceived by several clients and it is possible that there may be a requirement of a different understanding of career counseling. This paper will examine the process which helps the individuals to follow and perceive a spiritual or religious call to a career. Themes which are emerged from the concepts includes a sense of career choice arising from a mutual relationship with God, and struggles both with faith and with being called.

Similarly, the priestly vocation takes its final form Priesthood Ordination time when the bishop prays that the Lord will complete a youngster and assert their previous vocation work. And all that is happening to the priestly ordination can be seen as true vocation characters, but the call is not yet secured, because the Church has not been called young man into his vineyard. The very young, of course, have a serious obligation to educate their vocation, because it is of such efforts depends on the essential part of life happiness. Such education will not end, even the Priesthood Ordination (every priest is a need for constant self-education). However, a very important moment is exactly seminary life. Often, before joining the seminary, the young man is not spiritually mature enough to be able to say (with their spiritual leader) of the final word about his vocation. Therefore, before entering the seminary, rather than the certainty of his vocation should pay attention to the priesthood sincere desire and willingness to serve the Church (hence the desire for the priesthood of the Church, and not for yourself). In addition, the seminary has to appear only as a young man, who can expect to live as a priest proper prayer life of celibacy, poverty, hierarchical superiors. On the other hand, you should have enough health, ability to learn, the ability to effectively communicate with people.

A large part of the items listed are educated in seminary, ...
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