Past, Present And Future Of George Kyriakopoulos

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Past, Present and Future of George Kyriakopoulos

Past, Present and Future of George Kyriakopoulos

Paper Outline

Early Childhood

• Birth Place

a. Jamaica, NY

b. Booth Memorial Hospital

• Cultural background

a. Greek Orthodox

• Description of family

b. Father born in Kardama, Greece

c. Mother born in Athens, Greece

f. Parents married in 1984

g. Arranged marriage of parents

h. Father was illegal immigrant

i. Parents finally separated in 1996

j. Father was not involved a lot

k. Weekend fatherhood

Early memories

a. Boy scout memories

b. Greek School memories

c. Religious life

d. Relationship with mother

e. Relationship with father

Elementary School years

a. Early childhood grades

b. Academic difficulties

c. School friendships

d. Favorite teacher

High School years

a. High school friendships: Steven, Steve, Alex

b. Talent show

d. Senior year adventures

e. Meeting my first love Zefi

• Music memories

a. First rock band

b. Performing in sports bars with rock band

c. Recording first CD

d. Learning how to play the drums


a. Starting as a freshman

b. Choosing a major

c. Making new friends

d. Wanting to drop out of college

e. Changing majors from Psychology to Criminal Justice

f. Dropping out of school

Favorite Past Times

• Hobbies

a. Writing poetry and lyrics

b. Creating music

Career decisions

a. Counseling career or music which should I choose

b. Expanding my music career and changing from rock to pop

c. Working with a manager and label searching

d. Going on a tour to promote my music


a. Woodside on the move OST Program and working with children

b. Disney Radio Station and working with the public

Future Plans

Career goals

a. Constant struggle to choose between counseling and becoming a full time musician and performer

b. Getting a manager and working on promoting myself

c. Expanding my music to write and sing Greek songs

Personal family goals

a. Get married

b. Have children before 30

c. Buy a house

Contributions to Society

a. Become a performer

b. Put performances as fund raisers for different diseases

c. Perform for schools

d. Work in a rehabilitation center for drug abuse and alcohol

Past, Present and Future of George Kyriakopoulos

Adults are mostly terrified by the fashionable music of the youngsters. I remember my mom and dad bawling out me to "turn off that **** music"? But what if somebody like me has no other obsession apart from music? Hi! I am George Kyriakopoulos and music is my passion. I grew up listening to different forms of music and trying to make some new tunes and finally chose it as my career. Like majority of parents, my mom and dad were also not very much fond of this passion of mine. But for me, music was an inspiration and my biggest motivation that changed my life absolutely the way I wanted it to be.

Thus, music affords individuals like me the chances to reflect on their lives and mull over some of the reasons that they have grew into who they are up to now.

My childhood was not very interesting. I was born in Jamaica New York at the Booth Memorial Hospital to my Greek parents. My dad was from Kardama, Greece and my mom was from Athens, Greece. Mom and dad moved to New York in 1969 and 1980 respectively. They got married in 1984. This was a completely arranged marriage where my dad was an illegal ...