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The Ultimate Bluff: A case study of

The Ultimate Bluff: A case study of


The main purpose of this paper is to conduct a case analysis of the The case which has been selected for this paper is “The Ultimate Bluff: A case study of The paper analyses the key strategic issues faced by the firm and the various ways through which the e-environment is having an impact on the competitive environment of the firm. The paper also highlights various strategies for the e-business and the challenges faced by the firm in E-Business. The business of has started in 1997. With the passing time, the company has become the leader in the poker market with the 50% of market shares. The main source of revenue of PartyGaming was United States where the Internet Gambling was considered as an illegal act. The founder of PartyGaming was also involved in the Internet Pornography. Thus, these are the main issues and controversies which have emerged against the PartyGaming. Later on, United States has passed the legislations to restrain the online gambling which has led towards a quick exit of PartGaming from the poker industry of United States. This action has led towards the sharp decline of 58% share price. PartyGaming is considered to be the leading online gaming player. The company is running its business with almost 1200 employees. The customers of the company are spread all over the world. The company is offering a number of games with the use of its own brand PartyGaming or with the use of other secondary brands. The incorporation of various ethical concerns and legal considerations has led the company towards the challenges and issues which are going to be discussed in this paper.

Section 1: Story Board

This section is the description of various ways which have been helpful for me in generating the ideas. The section provides an insight on the ways which have helped me in conducting this study and develops the strategic plan for

What did you learn from the meetings with your Project Mentor, including the presentation that you gave to your Project Mentor?

During the process of the entire strategic plan, it was an essential stage to go through the preparation of the meetings with the respective mentors. I was able to stay in touch with all my mentors and completed all the phases of strategic plan with them. During my first meeting with my guides, I was facilitated with a concrete basis and prolonged orientation of the strategic plan that I had in progress. Though there was no transition between mentors, however, due to time constraints, one or other of them were not able to attend the meetings properly and had to be guided regarding the rest of the agenda later. Due to this loss of transition, some constrictions appeared and the perspectives and communicated views of my mentors contradicted. This created troubles for me. However, in the initial meetings, I was guided a lot be my mentors ...