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Working in partnerships in Social and Health Care

Working in partnerships in Social and Health Care

1.1 Partnership philosophies in social and health care:

The definition of Partnership given below serves as a benchmark and the starting point of the discussion:

“The essence of partnership is sharing. This means respect for one another, part divisions, rights to information, responsibility, competence, and value accorded to personal input. In short, each partner as having something to contribute, sharing power, making decisions jointly, and roles are not only respected but also backed by legal and ethical rights”. (Tunnard, 1991)

Working in partnership is an important concept preventing and reducing the abuse in social and health care as there are many more cases like Baby P that can happen in the future. In today's world of rapid changes, it is impossible to do things alone. This is true in health care where prices are continually rising, new diseases discovered, and an increase in the sophisticated technologies and procedures for treatment have made it virtually impossible for any single company giving services without the support of other institutions. Partnership business comprises of a set of complex relationships with a variety of bodies which feed into the process of commissioning and delivering services at every stage.

Working in partnership is the primary method within social, education and health care. The concept of sharing, integration is efficient provision of services. Social and Health care specialists must recognize the need to develop autonomy within individuals. They need to understand their duties and duties and how there roles can contribute to the sectors. Partnership working is an old idea, to some point it is an essential tool to combat the systematic and structural problems relating to some health care organizations. Working in partnership is an essential concept whose function is to shorten the problems due to boundary regarding procedures, policy and facilities for users. Among the most advanced and successful countries are many agencies responsible for many forms of provisions of services, usually with many business rules and regulation systems, functions and duties, and organisational cultures. In search of further collaborative services, a set of models found to increase service users and market integration. Hence, partnership is basically a necessary term within the United Kingdom social policy.

The case of the Baby P, whose real name was Peter Connelly, a 17 months old child who due to negligence form his mother and physical and mental abuse from his mother's boyfriend led to a tragic death which is the responsibility of all institutions of social, health, judicial and protective care. The lack of partnership between all institutions led to a complete disaster that raises question regarding the safety of our future generations as well as the mental health of adults living in the society.

1.2 Partnership relations evaluation in Social and Health care:

“Like 'community', partnership is a word of obvious virtue (what sensible person would choose conflict over collaboration” (Glendinning et. al, 2002, pp. 33)

The significant factor in the children death is ...
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