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Working in partnerships in Social and Health Care

Working in partnerships in Social and Health Care

1.1 Partnership philosophies in social and health care

Various philosophies have revealed that partnership is a necessary element of social and health care. Peter Connelly was 17 months old baby who was died because of child abuse. Philosophies have revealed that partnerships in health care settings play a major role to offer safeguard for children and babies. It is a fact that working in partnership is much better than working alone. It is possible that a person can achieve any task, but collaborative working will enhance the nature of that task. Partnerships and collaborative workings are extremely necessary in health care settings to ensure accurate and ideal health care, assistance in technologies, and discoveries of many innovative ideas. Partnership can be defined as relationship to support each other in a way to achieve some targets. Hospitals need other bodies, institutions, and hospitals for collaborative working to achieve certain objectives, goals, and standards (Coyne & Cowley, 2007, 893-904).

School life plays an effective role to identify the importance of collaborative working in any domain. A child learns how to understand, work, and achieve certain goals in collaboration with other students. Moreover, society enhances the level of importance of partnerships by organizing events, parties, and meetings for different reasons. Organizing an event promotes a healthy concept of collaborative working. A person should know about the importance of partnerships to face certain challenges successfully in his professional life (Zalta, 2006, 502-504).

Markets, hierarchies, and channels are considered as the three most suitable types of partnerships within health care organizations. Thrice of them need innovative thinking, functions, and behaviour to resolve issues while collaborative working. Partnership philosophies and certain studies showed the significance of teamwork in social and health care domains. A number of connections can also be known as partnership because of the interaction. A communication process between two or more parties to stand at a single point is also supporting the main theme of partnership (Dowling, Powell & Glendinning, 2004, 309-317).

A health care professional should know the significance of partnerships in clinical and surgical settings to resolve structural and general problems. A medical personal should be well aware of the perception of distribution, incorporation, and teamwork to develop sovereignty and self-sufficiency within individuals. The core objective of collaborative working is to limit certain challenges with the help of ideas, policies, and procedures. An organization is able to work properly just because of collaborative working of their employees. A hospital will not able to provide ideal quality care without collaborative working of their health care members. The policies of Great Britain are also promoting the concept of partnerships in an organization to achieve their missions and objectives. Limited collaborative work is considered as the main barrier in the baby Peter Connelly case (Dowling, Powell & Glendinning, 2004, 309-317).

1.2 Effectiveness of Partnership relations

Case of baby Peter Connelly mentioned the ineffectiveness occurred because of insufficient partnership ...
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