Partnership Working

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Partnership working

Effective communication is the most essential element of successful partnership working

Effective communication is the most essential element of successful partnership working


A lot of theories with examples and practices are present for defining the concept of partnership working. But, it is not always easy for implementing the theories practically. Partnerships are generally formed between individuals or organizations who want to achieve a shared goal (Sullivan & Skelcher, 2002). Partnership helps the partners for achieving a range of objectives. For having a fully dynamic partnership, it is necessary that the partners communicate properly, co-ordinate with each other and have a co-operative work environment to facilitate mutual achievement of the desired goals (Sullivan & Skelcher, 2002). There are various theories on partnership and how they prove to be beneficial for the organization as a whole and contribute to the achievement of the desired goals and objectives successfully (Sullivan & Skelcher, 2002). The following paper identifies theories and their implementation for working in a partnership and the ethical codes following it. It also describes the benefits of working in a partnership and how partnership may be broken because of improper communication or unappreciated efforts.


What is a Partnership?

A partnership is an arrangement where parties agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. Partnerships present the partners with various challenges that are navigated and agreed to. The agreement identifies the responsibilities and goals, and the lines of authority (Beresford & Branfield, 2006, pp. 436-444).

Implications of Partnership working

There are various kinds of partnerships, each developed with a reason. Some strategic partners help in generating ideas, others may help in developing plans or even some may help in designing of an activity (Miller & Cameron, 2011, pp. 39-45). There are a few which share skills and their knowledge for mutual success and deploy the resources of the partners for achieving the desired outcomes (Beresford & Branfield, 2006, pp. 436-444). It has been noticed that partnerships often result in involving the partners into a creative process where both the partners and their teams work together and add a certain dimension to the organization (Miller & Cameron, 2011, pp. 39-45).

When people are together they are able to share their experiences and ideas and are better able to execute unfamiliar processes. This contributes to professional growth of both the individuals/organizations in the partnership (Miller & Cameron, 2011, pp. 39-45). On the other hand, as the partners have access to different customers or target markets. This increases the pool of clients (Beresford & Branfield, 2006, pp. 436-444). Working with partners is beneficial in the sense that it helps in deepening and strengthening relationships as the individuals/organizations are introduced to new people and new ideas for future projects (Miller & Cameron, 2011, pp. 39-45).

Also, this has been observed that when there are improper communication channels, partnerships are often affected. For this, it is necessary that effective communication is done for building strong relationships (Herod & Lymbery, 2002, pp. 17-27). For this, the strategic partners must maintain regular contact with ...
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