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Working in Partnership

Working in Partnership


Health and the social care is an important sector in our society. Almost every country in the world today has established some department or institution, which monitors the health and the social care. However, due to the increasing needs of the people the government alone cannot meet the needs of the people in the health and the social care. Therefore, most of the experts propose that the governments should work in partnership with the local organizations in order to properly cater to the needs of the people in the health and the social care. There has also been sufficient evidence which shows that the partnership between the governments and other organizations in different countries in the health and the social care has proved to be beneficial (Campbell, 2009). Therefore, it is necessary that the governments and organizations should try to work in partnership not only the developed countries but also the developed countries as well.


The trend of working in the partnership is quite old. There are many thing in our society which cannot be performed without an effective partnership. The partnership is usually done between the government and some private organizations. Due to these partnerships the efforts are multiplied and hence the results are achieved. The public-private partnership is usually essential in the health and the social care. There are many private NGOs which are working with the public organizations in most of the developing countries. Often it happens in the health care that patients need much care which cannot be provided by the government alone. In this case it is important that partnerships should be formed. It has also been noticed that the government alone cannot alone provide the health and social care to the people. Most of the countries are trying to form formal partnerships with the local organizations. Similarly, they also outline that how and which tasks will be formed and in which area of the country. Similarly, they first try to focus on the primary care services. In health care, it is necessary that the government must address the basic healthcare needs of its population. Now the government tries to do this with the help of these partnerships (Leathard, 2013). Similarly, the partnership in the health and the social care could also be very useful in the prevention and the rehabilitation programs, particularly in the developing countries.

Although the partnerships in the health and social care are producing very good results but yet these partnerships are also facing many problems as well. One of the major problems includes the combining of the social and the medical models. Another important challenge of working in the partnerships is that the people from different cultures and backgrounds work with each other and hence face difficulties. The different organizational culture also affects the working of the partnerships in the health and the social care. We find different models of partnerships in the health and the social care in different countries, which try to facilitate the ...
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