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Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care

Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care


Partnership can be defined as any two independent organizations that are able to work solely but they are working together for and effective outcomes that cannot be achieved alone (Edwards 2007). The definition given above do not completely explains the concept of partnership but it can explain partnership in terms of healthcare and social work. According to a study that was conducted in the year 2002, it was shown that there were approximately 6000 partnership organizations across Europe. These organizations can be divided into sixty different forms that can be regarding child development or about rural transport and further they can be regarding regeneration and health improvement. Around £25 billion are being spent on these partnerships per year and on around 75,000 different places (Miller, R et al 2011).

Policies and concepts

It is not easy to select the particular type and suitable partnership that can provide better coverage and by which effective outcomes can be obtained. According to the Audit Commission (1998) selecting an appropriate partnership is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. The concept of partnership working is becoming a central feature across the Europe. Certain policies and legislations are formulated to give confidence to different healthcare organizations to work together in partnerships. The organizations are allowed to make mutual use of information and resources that can be helpful in fulfilling the needs of the patients and other clients. Furthermore, the types, scope and settings of different partnerships is varying across the Europe (Banks 2002).

Philosophies of partnerships

According to the research, Europe is living in a post modern world. Post modern means the type of policy in which all the individuals of a society are considered equal and one size can fit to all individuals. According to a critique the concept of equality was unable to fulfill the needs of the people for which it was created. Carnwell (2010) further explains it with the examples of poor people like their problems has increased in the past five decades and therefore the same policy is not helpful for them anymore. He says that there is need of the social improvement that can be brought by changing the system but not by changing the needy people. In early 1980s the system was viewed as a disempowering force for the patients or needy people (Carnwell, R. et al 2010). There are six characteristics of the partnership philosophies and these can clearly be explained by following a case study.

Case study

Miss Linda is a 70 year old lady; she is suffering from dementia from last few years. She does not take the medicines from her nurse and support worker. The support worker and nurse discuss this situation and they decide to allow Miss Linda to administer medicines herself but under their supervision. Miss Linda is now allowed to take the medicines herself.


According the empowerment philosophy, the consumers have the right to handle their ...
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