Part Iv: Criminal Justice Program Proposal

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Part IV: Criminal Justice Program Proposal

Part IV: Criminal Justice Program Proposal


This paper discusses the processes following the implementation of criminal justice program. The program addresses correctional facilities for Juvenile Justice System for U.S. rural communities with higher crime rates. The criminal activities involve misappropriation, misdemeanor, carrying weapon, substance abuse, fraudulent activities, and convicted crime on illegal information sharing. The sources of funding are explained along with the data collection methods and criteria that will be used to evaluate the success of this program. Finally, the methods and means to collect and respond to feedback and implementation concerns are defined.


This project aims to discuss about the adjudications for juvenile for their criminal behavior at various settings. The program addresses correctional facilities for Juvenile Justice System for U.S. rural communities with higher crime rates. The criminal activities involve misappropriation, misdemeanor, carrying weapon, substance abuse, fraudulent activities, and convicted crime on illegal information sharing. The propensity of this juvenile delinquency has been a major issue for the United States despite the observation of declining criminal rates in the country (Puritz 2000).

The juvenile crimes are rising throughout the world. It has been noticed that when these offenders are brought to the juvenile justice system by any police officer, they are governed by the distinct set of practices and philosophies as of those encountered by adults accused of crimes. They are processed by juvenile justice system until they are waived to the court of adult. Many historical researches have differentiated that juvenile offenders should be treated separately from their older counterparts. Still, the question is unsolved because the nature of crime is same regardless of the offender (Burrus, 2002).

Identify sources of funding for your program

Many people try to justify why the juvenile justice system is ran so poorly on not having enough funds to develop programs that can help juveniles stay out of trouble. There are two solutions to this problem that can help with the funding: charities and federal grants. The charities can be organized for the funding of corrective measures and programs developed for the counter measures. Federal endowments or grants can consequently result in the aid for funding the program. This also proves to be beneficial in saving efforts for running charity campaigns. However, both the methods of funds collection are regarded as feasible and effective (Fagan, 1996).

There must be arrangement of contracts with third parties to get emergency assistance before during, and after the enforcement of any convict. The use of distribution network from the local vendors can be cost effective and productive in the long-term. The sources of funding and management of funds are depending upon the proper allocation of resources. The funds for this program pertaining to the correctional facilities in the high crime rate zones are done by the mutual contract with the government which is responsible for dealing with these activities. The funding poses a great challenge to the successful implementation of programs. The sources of funding and financial management are identified as charities ...
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