Part Iii: Criminal Justice Program Proposal

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Part III: Criminal Justice Program Proposal

Executive Summary

This proposal holds the compliance viewpoint to explain the program implementation plan and objectives from different viewpoints of suggested case studies. The juvenile justice system collaborate different principles to understand the policies, procedures, and job descriptions of varied programs and its corrective usage in the proposed proposal. Implementation plan and Time framing accelerates and authenticates the credibility of the program with proper need assessment and feasibility approach of this program.

Part III: Criminal Justice Program Proposal

Statement of Problem

This project aims to discuss about the adjudications for juvenile for their criminal behavior at various settings. The program addresses correctional facilities for Juvenile Justice System for U.S. rural communities with higher crime rates. The criminal activities involve misappropriation, misdemeanor, carrying weapon, substance abuse, fraudulent activities, and convicted crime on illegal information sharing.

The proposal briefs out a clear understanding about the program implementation for criminal justice for juveniles. The use of qualitative approach includes multiple variables such as group selection, policies formulation, interagency collaboration, implementation plan, time frame, and deliverables for the successful implementation of the program.


The formation of planning team will lead to conduct the vulnerability assessment for the development of goals and objectives for the program. There have been specific activities, procedures, and provisions formulate to design this program under following functions:

The official status of the plan will receive authority and discretion to carry out designed tasks after the final approval.

The plan will set out for convicted three hundred and ninety eight (398) minors; thirty two (32) substance abuse cases, seventy three (73) pending cases, one hundred and forty one (141) initiated prosecutions with multiple charges. The charges were set for different unlawful activities that include assaults, thefts, burglaries, disorderly conduct, sexual behavior, endangerment, abusing property, incorrigible behavior, reckless driving, carrying concealed weapons, and other misdemeanor event. This was according to the findings of the year 2008.

Juvenile Justice Review Committee (JJRC) review the demographics of this target group to assess and improve the juvenile justice system of the region, The municipal establishment of this committee arrange group meets every month or on frequent basis as per requirement (Copes & Vieraitis, 2009).

The secondary objectives of this plan include the critical understanding of lawsuits and adjudicatory hearings from the court to rehabilitate their policies for such vulnerable groups.

Technical Approach

The propensity of this juvenile delinquency has been a major issue for the United States despite the observation of declining criminal rates in the country. This section covers the literature from the policies and procedures of the similar program to get the hands on application about its implementation. It further covers three important and pertinent job description, procedures, and policies to use in the design of program as a part of technical approach to the plan.

Secondary Literature: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants

The first program is in the context of Juvenile Drug Court dates back to the fiscal year of 1998. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grants (JAIBG) is the program that works on the youngsters ...