Part I: Product Logistics Report

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Part I: Product Logistics Report



Quality and testing4

Cashmere Quality Testing6

Costing Products7

Delivery, shipping considerations, lead times11

Financial Information13

Legal Information14


Part I: Product Logistics Report


The UK manufacturers are providing a much specific and narrower range of services than their overseas competitors in domestic and international markets. The difficult of framing sampling enforced them to offer services in in-house or in the overseas factories. The priority for all garment manufacturers and businesses is the provision of affordable and reliable sampling services under the parameters of information, costing, delivery, and quality. It is crucial to evaluate the business performance and understanding of needs to measure the requirement before considering about how to improve business processes. Quality, cost, delivery, and information (QDCI) are four key performance indicators that endeavour to raise product standards. The overall and coherent assessment of performance provides the fundamental basis for focusing priorities and continuous measurement. This QCDI report is classified into two parts: product logistics report and evaluative report. This study is based on the first part that discusses and addresses four areas of product process for Cashmere fabric that includes:

Q : Quality and testing

C : Costing products

D : Delivery, shipping considerations, lead times

I : Financial and legal information


This is a self-direct study to assess the production of high-end Cashmere garment on four areas of QCDI. The garment will be produce in the commercial market of United Kingdom. The design parameters of this high-end garment will measure up to 3 metre of the cashmere fabric which costs £12 per meter.

Quality, cost, delivery, and information (QCDI) are four key performance indicators used in the discipline of lean production to evaluate the development of business activity. This analysis of key performance indicators often formulates the part of continuous improvement processes. QCDI has deep rooted concepts derived from the manufacturing sector. Supply chain management (SCM), production processes, and engineering mechanisms also used this model for different business environments (Wang et al., 2006). This straight forward process has applications for both simple and complex business processes. Different business models and supplier delivery chain are compared to evaluate findings against other business performance.

Quality and testing The selected high-end clothing product is Cashmere. One of the key purposes for the quality testing of high-end garments is the exploration of market need for the production hub of high-end garments. Lot of efforts and academic work has been done on the development of methods and devices for assessing quality parameters.

Brands and stores for high-end garments have unconditional focus on its quality. The process for quality begins with the procurement of raw material from the quality inspectors that ensure defined parameters and conditions for compliance. The rigorous and stringent assessment of quality on different parameters that include following parameters is carried out by garment stores that offer these high-end garments:

Shrinkage possibilities.

Quality of the fabric.

Colour fastnesses.

Tear the strength.


Trusted vendors and solicited suppliers make a good composition for the purchase of raw materials and processing of finished goods. The checks and measures on machines with complete functionality and efficiency are ...
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