Part 2: Mini Report

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Part 2: Mini Report - Quality & Productivity

Executive Summary

The business environment is becoming intensely competitive because of the profound changes taking place in the global economy, the social and political relations, in technology, in productive organization, labor relations and the very insertion of the human element in the social and productive. Yet these transformations took larger expression as a result of abrupt opening of the economy, the implementation of monetary stabilization programs and constitutional reforms, aiming at the reduction and reorientation of the role of the state in the economy. But the impact of quality management in organization go well beyond the immediate needs met, given that they also contribute to enhance the characteristics of a country's competitiveness by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of organization, it also strengthens the foundations of its management by greater involvement of employees in the definition and evaluation of these services.

Part 2: Mini Report - Quality & Productivity


The company grows with the continuous improvement process. If it does not allow it or failures, decline in the proportion of errors. And when stagnation, lack of innovation, master the process, the company will kick (Boyd, 2011; Breja, Banwet & Iyer, 2010). The management process will have continued success is quality control, improvement and innovation are constant. There is talk that the implementation of a strategic plan that will result in overall quality, if it is not controlled and innovated periodically (Anvari & Moghimi, 2011). The plan itself is the north below, but the process will never be static and, for this reason, it is compared to the engine which regulates only.

Processes are driven by people - suppliers, employees, customers and consumers - which make up the consumer relationship and build scenarios (Gill, 2009; Arsic, Nikolic, Živkovic, Uroševic & Mihajlovic, 2012). You can keep up with more ease, control over employees and suppliers. But the relationship with customers and consumers is covered by thoughts, behaviors, desires, values, conditions, different needs, of which change with the marketing development (Kumar, Choisne, de Grosbois & Kumar, 2009).

Continuous improvement is directly related to the quality control circles, which are fertile ground for satisfactory results when dedication and encouragement form pathways through which pass two-way senior management and employees of the organization (Fraser, Tseng & Hvolby, 2013; Chong, Ooi, Lin & Teh, 2010). Mainly, the quality control circles are made voluntarily dedicated employees and experts, for which what really matters is the quality of systems processes, activities, products and services under their responsibility (García-Bernal & Ramírez-Alesón, 2010). Ie, a company dedicated to quality has its committed employees individually and collectively with the results of management processes.

No one is proud to be part of an organization that negotiates products / services second line of dubious quality (Corredor & Goñi, 2011; Venkateshwarlu, Agarwal & Kulshreshtha, 2011). It is what determines the need for managers and employees come together in order to produce more and even better when they are given opportunities for voluntary participation in the practices of quality control, ...