Parole System

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United States Parole Commission


Paroles are methodologies designed to spot the behavioral patterns of criminals whether they are likely to commit any form of crime in future or not and if incase, they are found engaged in crime, they are sent back to jail to serve the awarded sentence. In 1930, the first parole board was established in United States comprising of three members, it stared reporting to the attorney general in the year 1945 while the legislature was passed in 1950 which positioned parole board under the Department of Justice in the United States. At present, there are 54 parole boards operating in United States. There were certain major amendments made in parole system that ensured an affiant system to enable the commission to promote public safety and endeavor justice and fairness in the exercise of its authority to release and supervise offenders under its jurisdiction. As the most common disposition in the United States for felony convictions, probation is a sentence in lieu of incarceration that monitors people under conditions of release. The two types of parole conditions are mandatory and special. Mandatory conditions are defined by state or federal statutes and applied to everyone sentenced to probation. These conditions include not owning or carrying a weapon, reporting to a probation officer on a schedule that is determined by the officer at intake, leaving jurisdiction only with the judge's knowledge and approval, allowing unannounced home visits by the officer, and remaining free of arrests during the probation period. Special conditions are imposing by the judge during sentencing and applying to the circumstances of the case. They can include participation in treatment for alcohol or drug abuse, the payment of fines, the obtaining of mental health services, and earning a General Equivalency Diploma.

Parole remains an effective system to reduce the prison term based of good behavior and extend them to the community under the supervision of parole authority

Table of Contents

Thesis Statement1


Origin of parole in the United States2

Mission Statement-Parole of United States3

Operations and Financial of Parole4

Critical Analysis5

Methods to Improvement7



Thesis Statement

Paroles are ways designed to supervise criminals in order to determine their behavioral patterns whether they are likely to commit and repeat any form of crime or not. If in case, they are involved in any form of crime, they are sent back to prison to serve the jail interim. The key role of parole is to reduce the prison term based of good behavior and extend them to the community under the supervision of parole authority. The paper aims to present the detail history of the origin of parole system, their mission, and reason for existence, provision for improvement towards social goals, its future, contribution, and impact on the criminal justice system.


Parole is not a sentence; rather, it is the extension of a prison into the community and under the supervision of the parole authority, which is a branch of the prison system. These are ways designed to supervise criminals in order to determine their behavioral patterns whether they are likely ...
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