Parents' Deitary Education

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Parents' Dietary Education and Habits Impact On the Children Health

Parents' Dietary Education and Habits Impact On the Children Health


The formation of healthy eating habits is an excellent tool for preventing disease and promoting health in the population. A healthy diet requires, in many cases, nutrition education. It should be fostered from childhood in the family since the habits acquired at this stage are essential for proper nutrition in adolescence and prevention of diseases linked to eating disorders. Positive or negative effects of food will have an impact, eventually, on health. Modern society suffers a notable change in eating habits of citizens as a result of the impact of new lifestyles that have shaped the family organization. Likewise, the development of new technologies in the area made available called "food service", are those specially designed to facilitate the preparation and consumption thereof (Alexander 1999, 53).

In childhood, the eating habits can create more diseases to appear later throughout the life; such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, which begin to hatch since an early age. For these reasons, it seems essential to prevent them from an early age. It is important to foster the acquisition of proper dietary habits. Obesity and overweight in children may be caused by several reasons. The most common causes are heredity, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, or a combination of these causes. Sometimes a medical problem can lead to overweight children (Alexander 1999, 53).


The inadequate-food intake in children is increasing, because most mothers work, they cannot give them food containing the nutrients necessary for their infants. Other cause is that schools would not sell food children would need; just the opposite if they sell "junk" foods. The consequence of not eating habits leads to these problems such as obesity, anaemia or simply malnutrition. Childhood obesity can lead to diabetes, cholesterol, and hypertension. If no care can be provided, then it can develop for long-term regardless of age. Obesity is a public health problem and the diseases epidemic in developed countries in recent years by imitation and consumption of foods with high energy have increased in frequency (Anderson 1998, 938).

A balanced diet is one that contains all the nutrients needed to achieve optimal nutritional status. A balanced diet or "healthy" is one that allows the individual to maintain an optimal state of health, while allowing you to exercise the various activities involved in every work.

A balanced diet should be based on three standards. The daily-food ration should provide the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the body. It should provide energy and nutrients not adequately cover energy to enable the function of nutrition. The nutritional intake should be taken in appropriate proportions. Different foods, which are grouped according to their nutritional content characteristic, should be eaten in a certain amount over a week to get a balanced diet.

The adoption of proper eating habits is crucial for the promotion of individual health and to prevent a large number of diseases that are more or ...
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