Parental Leave

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Parental Leave

Parental Leave


Following the birth or adoption of a child, you can, under certain conditions, benefit from parental leave. The parental leave may be granted to any employee on the occasion of the birth of his child or adoption of a child under 16 years.

You need to justify a minimum period of one year in your company at the date of the birth of your child or the date of arrival at the home of your adopted child.

Parental leave

A right to parental leaves is the right for each parent for the care and upbringing of their child until the age of three year. Parental leave is an entitlement of the employee or the employee against the employer. The employment relationship remains, however, after parental leave employees are entitled to return to their original job or one that is equivalent to the previous one.

1. Joint parental

Both parents can take up to three years parental time.

2. Flexible 12 months

With the consent of the employer, a transfer of up to 12 months to the period between the 3rd and 8th Birthday of the child, for example, during the first School year.

3. Registration deadlines

Employee and employees have their request for parental leave no later than 7 weeks before the start in writing by the employer. This creates an organizational problem especially for medium-sized employers and organizations to find replacement workers in place of employees who are on parental leave.

To make the parental leave flexible while ensuring the necessary planning certainty for employers, parents have to choose when to sign up for the next 2 years from the beginning of parental leave. If the parental leave from the mother is immediately after the maternity leave period, or immediately after following the maternity leave period claimed, then it is only up to the child's age of 2.

Who can benefit?

Employees (men or women) who have at least one year of seniority at the date of birth or arrival in the home of a child under 16 years of age after adoption.

The employer can not object if the employee meets the time requirements of the Labour Code.

The employee may request either to receive parental leave or working part time for a period of between 16 and 32 hours per week. This period may be subsequently amended, unless approved by the employer.

The occurrence of a new birth or adoption opens a new entitlement to leave, even if the employee has not returned to work.

How long is it?

Parental leave and part time work have a term of one year. They can be extended twice by the 3rd anniversary of the child or the expiration of three years from the arrival at home.

If the child adopted or entrusted to its adoption has more than 3 years, the leave or part-time work may not exceed one year from the date of arrival at home.

In case of illness, accident or severe disability of the child, the leave or part time work may be extended for up to one year beyond ...
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