Parasitology Advances

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Parasitology Advances

Parasitology Advances

Fasciola hepatica vs. Plasmodium spp. (vivax, ovale, malariae, and falciparum

Plasmodium is a genus of protozoa of the edge Apicomplexa, class Aconoidasida, and order Haemosporida and family Plasmodiidae which have more than 175 known species. The parasite always has two hosts in its life cycle: a mosquito that acts as a vector and a host vertebrate. At least ten species infect humans. For humans there are four species of Plasmodium that cause malaria or malaria: P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. ovale and P. vivax (Molyneux 2001) (Brunsdon, 1980).

Fasciola hepatica or liver fluke is a species of flatworm trematode (fluke) of the subclass Digenea, characterized by its lanceolate, with two suckers, one oral and one ventral, and a cycle with two generations (Digenea) in two hosts, a gastropod mollusk amphibian and mammal. The presentation of this disease varies greatly according to geographical regions, depending on factors such as agricultural development, lack nutrition, micro and macro environment of medium size and height of grasses, state immune system and nutritious host the final and intermediate, number of eggs and larvae infective in the environment, etc (Dawes 1975).

Entamoeba coli vs. Trypanosoma brucei or cruzi

Entamoeba coli are an amoeba easily found in the intestines of some animals, including humans. It occurs in both healthy subjects and patients, often in a diner. First, because a healthy person will not cause any harm or discomfort, but if the natural defenses are low or body in cases of poor nutrition, it will cause damage. Second, it is important in medicine, because it is often mistaken for examination microscopically in feces, with the species pathogenic Entamoeba histolytic. Intestinal amebiasis is an infection caused by a non-pathogenic species such as Entamoeba coli. This parasite to humans and sometimes pig monkeys and can live as commensals in the large intestine, causing asymptomatic infections that fail to gain clinical importance. This disease attacks the human being at any age, being more common in children and young adults (Morley 1980) (Campbell, 1986).

Trypanosoma brucei is a protistan parasite that causes African trypanosomiasis (or sleeping sickness) in humans and animals in Africa. There are three subspecies: T. b. gambiense, which causes slow-onset chronic trypanosomiasis; T. b. rhodesiense, which causes rapid onset of acute trypanosomiasis; T. b. brucei, which causes African animal trypanosomiasis (or nagana), like other species of trypanosomes (Rollinson 2008) (Campbell, 1986).

Ascaris lumbricoides vs. Schistosoma spp. (mansoni, japonicum, and haematobium)

Ascaris lumbricoides is a nematode parasite of the small intestine of man. In this worm is also called roundworm by its elongated shape that resembles the earthworm. The pig is a species almost identical, called Ascaris suum. The ascariasis is a public health problem in situations with poor hygienic conditions of food and water. The disease is spread by ingestion of eggs, which are eliminated in feces, and once they mature in the environment to form the third stage juvenile, which occurs in a few weeks, depending on weather conditions. The eggs are highly resistant compared to extreme heat and ...