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The selection and consumption of food is a complex process, as it relates to a set of physical, emotional, cognitive, physiological and environmental stimuli, is the end result of a number of factors such as eating habits, the purchasing power of the family (adding family income and food prices) and supply. During the eighties, agricultural trade contributed significantly to improving global food security and family. There were large amounts of food stocks in world markets, falling real prices. The instability of world prices was lower. Global cereal stocks only rarely fell below the 17-18 percent of world cereal that FAO considers the minimum necessary to ensure global food security (the most recent exceptions were in 1995 and 1996. Flows increased food aid, particularly for emergency situation nineties (1990-1997) has been somewhat different. Less inventory, higher prices, and food aid flows in 1995 located at its lowest level since mid-seventies (Gregory, 2005)..

Discussion and Analysis

Food security is defined as access by all people at all times to the food they need, in quantity and quality, suitable for consumption and biological utilization, ensuring an active and healthy lifestyle that contributes to the achievement of development. The term Food Security can behave differently depending on the level of human organization. A regional or national level Food Security tends to be equated with national food sufficiency to meet the needs of the population, so presumed equal access for all regions and social classes. A familiar scale refers to the ability of families to obtain enough food to meet their nutritional needs; process influenced by the prices, storage capacity, environmental influences, etc.

At the individual level, Food Security involves the intake and absorption of adequate nutrients to meet the needs for health, growth and development. Although food security is currently a key issue in the political and social agendas of the world, are not very clear what methods, measures or ways in which they will face a possible food crisis in the world are because if the goals and needs are very clear (Maxwell, 1996).

There is no doubt that the supply of water, energy and food in urban areas is a big challenge and are closely related. The solutions to all three issues must be comprehensive, so that the security system of water, food and energy becomes more resilient / flexible. The three themes - water, food, energy - are issues of international security. However, the ...