Paper 1

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Paper 1

Paper 1

This report is a personal development plan, showing the current skills and knowledge, including assessment of their strengths and weaknesses. Development is to nurture, shape and enhance their skills, knowledge, and my best interests to ensure the effectiveness and adaptability, and to minimize technological obsolescence and redundancy in me and my chance for life. This does not necessarily mean that the upward movement, on the contrary, is about improvement and making personal use at every stage of my career to the fullest of potential.

Personal development plan for me is an opportunity to understand myself better. I can achieve what I want or I want to go to achieve the plan, in the short term or long-term, but also determine the skills, knowledge of the needs or capabilities. It can also help me determine the appropriate development to meet those perceived needs. In this report, I will address what my strengths are and focus on my weaknesses, but also know how to use the field work, I'll go to my strengths, in the future, how to develop the weaknesses into my strengths.

Evaluation of Skills and Knowledge

Evaluation is the key stage, the self-development cycle, because it makes me look at the development activities are worth it, apply, and whether and how the results of the work of my skills or behavior.

Technical - course-related

Characteristics of learning styles

Theorists have speculated that the process of experiential learning in the learning process consists of four basic modes.

Concrete experience (feeling)

Bay reflective observation (watching)

Angular abstractions - concepts and general (thinking) formation

Fourth positive test - in the new situation the impact of concept testing (Hu & Guangwei, 2002)

There are eighty-learning style questionnaire and letting me go through these questionnaires will identify my own learning, so I can better select an appropriate learning experience, which is my life. The questionnaire score showed that I was a reflector, like the experience of standing back and thinking they are from a different perspective. I collected the data thoroughly before any conclusions, including the first hand, from the others.

Thorough collection and relevant experience, event data analysis is what counts, so I tend to postpone reaching definitive conclusions as long as possible. I listen to others and get their point of view and also discuss the drift. I also care about others; relations have maintained a wide range of interests and feelings. I'm listening to people talk and absorb information better as a reflection of my strength, but I usually consider before making a decision which has caused me to slowing down in making up my mind about a lot of things. When I face a problem, I think about a lot of aspects of the event, and consider what impact my actions have. (Hu & Guangwei, 2002)

In the meantime, I do not have good enough English and a background related to law which will be a big problem for me to study in British universities.

Social and Inter-personal

Belbin team roles - self-perception inventory

I am a good learner who ...
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