Paper 1

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Paper 1

Paper 1


The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the implications of change in the health care delivery system on nursing leadership. In nursing leadership development, there are essential features and behavior of nurse leader that are required to lead the team. These leadership traits and behaviors open the door to success for both the leader of Nursing and the team. It is important to consider some of the essential traits and behaviors required for an effective leadership. The following are some of the areas where the role of the relevant professionals is important to advanced nursing leadership.

In order to practice the effective nursing principles it is essential that the practitioners must adopt the modern theories and models, while taking into account the essential ethical guidelines and health care planning. Therefore, we can infer that leadership roles in the modern nursing practices are backed by the interpersonal influence through which a nurse help the patients towards improved healthcare. The nursing leadership also involves the development of innovative ideas, actions, and rules towards the achievement of maximum patient satisfaction (Tomey, 2009).

Implications of Change in the Health Care Delivery System on Nurse Leadership

Caring is a philosophical concept which is described as the essence of the nursing profession and has a vision that represents the people, activities and projects to quarterdeck a goal which is also defined as the method in which it is organized and provide nursing care, with the aim of organizing the care to meet the needs of individuals, groups and communities. A nurse has to play a key role in all aspects of nursing practice in primary care settings in order to improve health outcomes such as family practice or clinic walk-in. In other words, nurse works with the physician to provide comprehensive care to all patients, rather than simply perform definite tasks, such as immunizations or vital signs.

Nurse educators are central to the personal and professional growth of the students and staff. The rapid technical development, the complexity of the social machinery and globalization require primary care physicians to have an increasingly advanced training. The modern physician must strive to ensure and protect the productive capacity, integral development and competitiveness of the professional users, from before birth to old age. Good education, Plato said, is one that can give the body and soul all the beauty and perfection. To accomplish this expansion of the human being, it is important to regulate the harmony between physical, the psychological, spiritual, and moral growth and socialization. Such requirement is fulfilled by an effective nurse leader (Dorman, 2010).

Registered nurses take a holistic and comprehensive approach that is not limited to the management of chronic diseases. Nurse role is essential to the functional elements of better detection, health promotion, early detection, management of chronic diseases and improved access of care to the patient. Because of their extensive experience in formal education, and knowledge of the world of medicine, legal nurse consultants are the perfect link for lawyers ...
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