Overcrowding In Prison

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About the paper6


Identification of the problem7


The background8

The foreground9

Statistical evidence9

The annual growth rate10

The global fraction of prison population10

The importance of the problem10

The analysis of the problem10

Issues causing the crime10

Reasons for overcrowding12

The crime rate12

Un-sentenced prisons12

Pressure points12

Seriousness of offences13

Law and order politics13

The criminal justice13

Implemented solutions13

The release of the prisoners13

Construction of new jails14

The criminal justice policies14

Consequences and recommended approaches14


The cell space15

The risk of security15

Food and other provisions15


Escalation of crime16

Psychological torment16

Recommended approaches16

The reduction of the un-sentenced prison16

The planning for large jails17




Overcrowding in Prison


Overcrowding is one of the most important and growing concerns in imprisonment. The term describes the situation when the prisons are over-spaced; hat is there are more people to be imprisoned than the space available (Whitfield, 2013). The concern is growing all across the world, due to the escalation of the crime, as well as, the rate of crime. The theories of criminal justice correspond to the wellness of the individual convicted with a crime, and imply that it is the fundamental value of the criminal justice to keep the criminal in a good environment.

The global crime rate is increasing day in and out. There are several reasons that are underpin the increasing rate of crimes, however, one of the most significant reasons is the changing dynamics of the world that makes it difficult for the individuals to cope up with the change in their surroundings. The increase in unemployment and increase of pending cases in the court are fostering the rate of crimes globally. The escalation of crime, as well as, the invention of new criminal methods has led the world to stringent and more sophisticated procedures of law. As a result, there are far greater people to occupy the prisons then they used to be a few decades ago. The new methods of crime, as well as, the slow court's proceedings have surged the rate of crime.

As a consequence, new jails and new courts are being constructed. However, the deficit exists in areas and domains, the courts being built are not enough to hear all the cases, whereas, the jails and prisons are not enough to keep all those convicted of crime inside. The resultant product is the over-crowding. It is a very common and alarming phenomenon all across the globe. It pertains to accommodation of greater number of people in a limited space option in a prison. People are imprisoned in a space that is not sufficient for them. Over-crowding is not about not being able to share a prison or the provisions for the livelihood there, but the unavailability of the space and other necessities that cause them to be divided, and therefore, none is able to get the fair share of these provisions (Pollock, 2009).

The consequences of over-crowding are much adverse than anticipated. They pertain to the development of serious issues with living inside the prison, as well as, deny the criminal justice laws. A prison has to provide the criminal with basic necessities for survival including space, food, toilet and other; at individual ...
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