Outsourcing Federal Healthcare

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Outsourcing Federal Healthcare

Outsourcing Federal Healthcare


America is one of those countries in the world that generously spend billions of dollars on its healthcare system each year. Despite this, it is faced with serious concerns regarding its feasibility and operations. In the following discussion, under different sections the US Healthcare system is critically addressed.


US Healthcare System & their Stakeholders

The US Healthcare System is divided into two main branches of health insurance:

Medicare Program

This is a health insurance program that focuses on the hospital and medical insurance and prescription drug coverage. The Hospital Insurance aspect of this program comprises of in-hospital insurance coverage of individual without the payment of premium on their treatment. The Medical Insurance on the other hand includes payment of a reasonable or nominal insurance premium payment so that individuals are able to pay towards their treatments and medical services availed. The Medicare Prescription Drugs coverage allows health insuree's to avail discount on the purchase of their prescription drugs. This coverage is provided by private insurers and is available to all those who are already enrolled with Medicare program (www.medicare.gov).

The main stakeholders of this program include health insurance coverage for, those individuals who are over and under sixty-five years of age, who may have certain disabilities or are combating with last stage End-Renal Disease.

Medicaid Program

Also referred as the Affordable Care Act, this health insurance program is targeted towards the provision of insurance to those individuals or families who belong from lower income backgrounds and wouldn't have been able to afford healthcare otherwise (www. medicaid.gov/).

Hence, the US federal healthcare system's major stakeholders include the entire American Population who seeks quality healthcare coverage which is heavily subsidized by the state itself. Other then the individuals who are at the receiving end of the healthcare services, Private Healthcare insurance companies or providers are the second major stakeholders of the program. In addition, the healthcare practitioners are too another major stakeholder of the healthcare system.

Current Strategy being used in the Healthcare System

From observation, it would not be wrong to state that the main strategy behind the present healthcare system in America is affordable healthcare for all its citizens. However, this strategy is severely coupled with many issues. The main strength of this strategy is that America is the biggest spender on healthcare per person, thus, from the financial aspect the healthcare sector does not lack any funding support from the government. Conversely, the main ...
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