Outline Of Cohabitation

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Outline of Cohabitation


Thesis Statement

In cohabitation, couple does not live happily and raise their child in better environment.


This paper is all about the Cohabitation that means romantic partners living together in the same house without any marriage ceremony. Partners living together may be of the same or opposite sex. Changes in the prevalence and role of cohabitation in union formation have dramatically altered the face of family structure over the past 30 years.


Research has been conducted in this paper that has focused over the couple having different sex. Research shows that, couple living together without marriage can take their own decision freely such as, I can go when want. Moreover, the research has shown that there is vast difference between married couple and unmarried couple living together. Research also shows that, most cohabitating couples were indeed from less educated backgrounds. Cohabitating couples raise their children by staying together. Kelly Musick indicates that these couples make up 40% of those identified as single parents, which changes the perception of statistics on non-marital childbearing. This research shows that mother tied legally to the child from birth but the father does not have legal ties to the child in non-marital child bearing. The highest proportion of cohabitating families in the United States come from the working class which impact the children and they experience disturbance throughout their life because of financial strain.

Cohabitation has become a setting for childbearing such as; every 2 out of 10 children in United States are born to cohabiting parents. Cohabiting parents are more common in nonwhite and low-income families. If we compare both married and cohabiting family, cohabitation remains a relatively unstable family form with high rates of union dissolution.

According to the research of Kelly A. Musick, professor of social analysis at Cornell University, Cohabitation is the ...