Outline And Discuss The Factors That Lead People To Marry

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Outline and discuss the factors that lead people to marry

Outline and discuss the factors that lead people to marry


Normally, people have a perception that the couple gets married or is marrying because they are in love, but this is not the case every time. People get married for several and a combination of reasons. People may get married because they are in love, they want to have children, they have had an unprotected intercourse, they want the other partner to provide them financial support, sometimes people may even get married to acquire immigration, to have a companion, to have escape from home, to rise to other people's expectation or they may be asked to have an arrange marriage through family pressure. There may be several reasons people, particularly adults may get into this relationship. The following paper highlights a few factors describing why people get into a marriage contract.


According to the sociological perspective, the notion of people getting married, tying the knot and the relationship going towards the direction of a marriage is followed by several reasons of love, commitments, status, pressure, security and more. Following are the common reasons because of which the partners in a relationship eventually decide to marry each other.

People get married because they love each other

Love is one of the most significant and straightforward reason to people getting married. Dating and being in a commitment will eventually lead to the natural case of ending up getting married. Even those, who are not in love for a long time period may decide to get into the marriage contract because they are overwhelmed with love and need each other to live together.

Seeking commitment

Debates about marriage have surfaced in various countries. But, this fact may not be neglected that marriage is the symbol of commitment in a ...