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Why was Rachel Carson in her essay, "The Human Price"


I started to misplace self-assurance in Rachel Carson, even though I considered that as an environmentalist I actually should extend to support her (Lear 482).

I next looked up some of the quotations that Carson cited and rapidly discovered that they did not support her contentions about the damage initiated by pesticides. When premier researchers started to release rough condemnations of her procedures and her accusations, it gradually dawned on me that Rachel Carson was not involved in the reality about those topics, and that I actually was being duped, along with millions of other Americans (Murphy 95).

As an outcome, I went back to the starting of the publication and read it all afresh, but this time my eyes were open and I was not lulled into believing that her motives were noble and that her declarations could be sustained by reasoning and by technical fact. I composed my remarks down in uneven preliminary method, and accumulated simultaneously the technical items that refuted what Carson had described the items indicated. It was a most annoying experience (Baum 5).

Finally, I started to connect the detractors of Silent Spring, and when hearings were held to work out the destiny of DDT in diverse states of this territory, I paid my own way to some of them in order that I could testify contrary to the efforts to ostracize that life-saving insecticide. It was gratifying to find that large figures of researchers and wellbeing agents who I had habitually held in high esteem were furthermore testifying at those hearings, in protecting against of DDT and in disagreement to the increasing surge of ant pesticide propaganda in ecological publications and in the media.

Now, almost 30 years subsequent, the argument is still boiling about how honest Rachel Carson was. I lately wise that a video respecting Rachel Carson and Silent Spring is being made for television. Because I accept as factual such a video would farther misinform the public, the newspapers, and our legislators, I determined to kind up my initial uneven remarks from 1962-1963 and make them available. Here they are, sheet by sheet, beginning with her dedication (Keith 50).


In the front of the publication, Carson dedicates Silent Spring as follows: “To Albert Schweitzer who said 'Man has lost the capability to foresee and to forestall. He will end by decimating the Earth.'” (Rich 11).

This seems to show that the large men are against the use of insecticides. However, in his autobiography Schweitzer composes, on sheet 262: “How much work and waste of time these wicked bugs manage origin us ... but a ray of wish, in the use of DDT, is now held out to us.” Upon reading his publication, it is clear that Schweitzer was concerned about atomic warfare, not about the hazards from DDT! (Iain 15).

Carson cited Robert L. Rudd and Richard E. Genially, in an item in The Condor publication, as the source for the data that follows: “The 'sickness' arrives in the ...
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