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Budget at a Glance

Revenue Sources

Spending patterns



College Sports Edition

Other Spending

General Fund Expenditures Public Safety

Types of budgeting techniques used by local government

Envelope Budgeting

Spending Categories

Daily Spending Limits

Budgeting Process

Future Focus

Positive Focus


This paper explains the current budget of “Vance county, North Carolina” also estimate the sources of revenue for that local government including trend analysis of revenue sources the current and revenue expenditure patterns are significantly increased due to development process. Vance county is in the midst of its greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, the result of the rapid and dramatic global downturn in the housing and financial markets therefore, the local government foreseeing few active estimates for the forthcoming budget.

Budget at a Glance

Board of Commissioners of Vance County, North Carolina, meeting in special session this 24th day of June, 2009, that revenues and expenditures are hereby appropriated for the operation of Vance County government and its related activities, including the Public Schools and Community College, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009, and ending June 30, 2010, according to the following summaries and schedules.

Revenue Sources

With the current budget the day before the start of new fiscal year, the government budget was timely. The last time it happened in Vance county was in 2003. On June 27, 2010, Democrats in the House and Senate reached agreement on the plan of $ 18,900,000,000 to reduce state spending by 3.3 percent from the legislature expected to pass when it approved a budget two years last summer. The House passed the spending plan by a vote of 66 to 50 and the Senate voted 28-15 in favor. The state faces a shortfall of between $ 800 million and $ 1,200,000,000 on April 20, 2010, when Gov. Beverly Perdue presented a budget of $ 19 billion for fiscal year 2011. Perdue's budget includes $ 410 million reduction for the second year of a biennial budget became law last summer (Dannelly, 77).

The state legislature began to consider the budget when it resumed on May 12, 2010. Other aspects of the budget proposed. Substitution of home care services personnel serving the elderly who have difficulty caring for themselves, with a new program for adults with more intensive needs, saving 59.8 million U.S. dollars? The standardization of prison rates of health care providers can charge inmate, a savings of $ 20.5 million. No tax increases were a part of the Governor's budget, although the owners of cars and trucks to see his annual state vehicle registrations rise to $ 35, up $ 7, payable by the new North Carolina Fund Mobility, which hopes to Perdue's office one day reach $ 300 million (Hall, 100).

The leaders of the House and Senate say there is little chance of the General Assembly will vote to increase sales or income taxes this year.

Spending patterns

The legislators wrote the budget in the event that North Carolina would receive $ 512 million in federal Medicaid money, but in August, Congress voted to send the status ...
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