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Thesis Statement

In this we provide a thesis statement which we have to prove in the entire essay.


In this section we provide a general overview about the main topic which is Legalize Prostitution and people's opinion about the issue.


Under this heading we discuss the following sub headings which are mentioned below:

Problems and Issues

Under this heading we discuss the main issues and problems regarding the legalization of Prostitution.

Sex Trafficking

Sex Industry Expansion

Illegal and Street Prostitution

Increases child prostitution

Lack of protection for women

Buying Women for Sex

Women's health

Women's choice

Prostitutes Against legalization

Solution to Prostitution

Under this heading we provide expected solution for the issue related to legalization of Prostitution.

The Men

The Exploiters

The State

The Culture


In this section we provide a brief summary of the paper and also we try to conclude our thesis Statement.

Work Cited

In this part we provide the sources which were used to write this paper.

Legalize Prostitution

Thesis Statement

The US states voters must legalize prostitution reducing the total impact on the state because selling of sex cannot be regulated.


The legalization of prostitution is a very debatable subject. Many feel it would be a wise decision to legalize it for the reasons that it may make it safer and easier to control, but at the same time there are numerous people who are against the legalization (Raymond et al, pp 45-89). In many other countries as The Netherlands, prostitution is legal, and it seems it is very well taken care of. Also in some cities like Las Vegas it is legal. But just because some thing is legal does not make it morally right or safe. In this paper we analysed that voters must legalize prostitution reducing the total impact on the state because selling of sex cannot be regulated.

Problems and Issues

Sex Trafficking

Legalized or decriminalized prostitution industries are one of the root causes of sex trafficking. One argument for legalizing prostitution in the Netherlands was that legalization would help end the exploitation of desperate immigrant women trafficked for prostitution. A report done for the governmental Budapest Group stated that “80% of women in the brothels in the Netherlands are trafficked from other countries” (Hynes, Zoraida Ramirez Rodriguez and Aida Santos, pp 45-378).

Sex Industry Expansion

Legalization of prostitution in the State has led to massive expansion of the sex industry. Prostitution has become an accepted sideline of the tourism and casino boom in Victoria with government-sponsored casinos authorizing the redeeming of casino chips and wheel of fortune bonuses at local brothels (Sullivan, Mary and Jeffreys, Sheila, pp 45-78). The commodification of women has vastly intensified and is much more visible.

Illegal and Street Prostitution

The argument that legalization was supposed to take the criminal elements out of sex businesses by strict regulation of the industry has failed(Sullivan, Mary and Jeffreys, Sheila, pp 45-78). The vast majority have no license to operate. To end endemic police corruption, control of illegal prostitution was taken out of the hands of the police and placed in the hands of local councils and ...
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