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This part introduced the increasing frequency of domestic violence due to the consumption of alcohol. The vast majority of cases of domestic violence are related in some way, to alcohol. The problem is that American society relating to alcohol consumption is fundamentally different from that adopted from several environmental factors, and because the same facts, which seem most suspect that neither is commonplace in the eyes of the court and social services take a very sharp and negative stain.


Discussion is based on vast researches and focuses on the topic. Alcohol abuse and domestic violence from the perspective of gender is a proposal that aims to link the two issues and explain car this interaction from a psychological point of view focused on gender. Different researchers have different view regarding domestic violence in relation with alcohol consumption.


In conclusion, it gets highlighted that the relationship between alcohol abuse and beatings, not a cause and effect, you can only talk about coexistence

Alcohol and domestic violence


Domestic violence is repeated with increasing frequency cycle: physical, verbal, spiritual and economic abuse to control, intimidation, and fear of suggestion. However, this is a situation in which one person tries to control or monitor the behavior and feelings of another. Inside the family violence as a generalized category, there are more specific categories, defined by the nature of the relationship between victim and perpetrator, as well as their living conditions. Moreover, domestic violence is a real action or threat of physical, sexual, psychological or economic abuse and violence by one person against another, with whom the person has or had intimate or other significant relationships (Collins, 387-405).

The vast majority of cases of domestic violence are related in some way, to alcohol. The problem is that American society relating to alcohol consumption is fundamentally different from that adopted from several environmental factors, and because the same facts, which seem most suspect that neither is commonplace in the eyes of the court and social services take a very sharp and negative stain (Bolesa, 155-174).


American society has long come to the conclusion that drug addiction is an illness - created dozens of medical establishments in this category, and all social services related to drug users with the necessary degree of understanding. However, alcoholism is not the case that promotes domestic violence, but it is one of the factor. Alcoholism at the American public consciousness is simply a vice that is nothing but condemnation. Moreover, the fact is that American culture is considered to be get drunked most of the time (a couple of bottles of beer every night, or I just drank 100 grams of vodka and a bottle of beer). Thus, in the American media it is considered as the addiction and passion for the green snake (Collins, 387-405).

Alcohol abuse and domestic violence from the perspective of gender is a proposal that aims to link the two issues and explain car this interaction from a psychological point of view focused on gender. We believe that the gender perspective ...
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