Other Race Effect

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Other Race Effect

Other Race Effect


There is a notion that people think which is just politically correct we will address a topic that many people only dare to deal with his inner circle. However, the fact that all members of another race brothers seem identical twins and it is right people do feel ease with the similar race. However, a psychologist calls this the other race effect (ORE) or cross-race effect, and is very real (Anaki, & Boyd, 2007). Moreover, for reasons that are unclear, whites generally have more difficulty remembering the faces of blacks, Asians and Hispanics, and to distinguish between them. The opposite could be true too, but racial minorities have not been studied as much as the white race, though we know that there is no pure race, the closest thing to this is the population of Iceland (Malpass, 1969).

The other race effect can have serious consequences, the people who know about the phenomenon and have the understanding of other race effect. However, recognizing faces of the people that the researchers had contact with is a very important part of everyday life and it is also an important part of the justice system (Rhodes, et. Al. 2010). Thus, the question arises so what happens? Why do people run a blind eye to those who are different? Hence, the people came out to solve the questions and gather answers to the questions of other race effect and shed some light on the subject (Malpass, 1969).

However, in some cases, other race effects provide negative impact on the people. However, they practice in the form of racist stereotypes that appear in the teaching or training. For example, a textbook used in a European country to teach children the alphabet contains the following sentence: "The gypsy stole the chicken." Thus placing a racially discriminatory comment in the general context of education, are taught to children to accept racial stereotypes as standards or as truths (Collin, Et. Al. 2004). Exposing children to these stereotypes, especially at a young age, strengthens and perpetuates racial stereotypes as the norm in society (Haberman, & Whitney, 2009).

However, there are several notions related to other race effect and one of them is that many westerners have ever wondered why all the Chinese are so similar. The similarity is real or is it just a feeling? The answer to this question has been the subject of numerous scientific papers focused on analyzing why it is so difficult to tell apart the western Asians. According to studies conducted so far, the problem is that Westerners are little trained to distinguish Chinese racial features because they do not usually live with them (Rhodes, et. Al. 2010). In addition, other ongoing work suggests that Eastern and Western pursue different strategies when it comes to facial recognition (Sporer, 2001). Hence, while the first look at the eyes first and then to the mouth, Asians look directly into the nose. This phenomenon is based on the analysis of eye movements of two groups of ...
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