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"Othello" - the famous tragedy of jealousy, where the Moor, with a young rich handsome aristocrat as the wife of nauskivaetsya from all sides, like she does not couple tormented by jealousy and strangling her. Major role in his persecution is his assistant and trusted friend, who was not a friend or even wrong, but the real enemy of Iago. (Joan Pp. 12 1999).

The tragedy was written in about 1603, and, like most of Shakespeare's plays, which were nothing more than the live performances of popular subjects, had a prototype. In particular, the novel Chinta "Captain Moor." Unlike Shakespeare's Chinta not burden yourself with the lyrical and moral issues, but simply portrays a ferocious wild African character, cheerful readers and audiences - novel staged throughout Europe a thousand times - the bloody and erotic scenes.

The language of Othello, especially in the fifth act of the play was uniform with his style of speech throughout the duration of the play. Othello was a very noble and a confident man at the start of the play, but during the course of the play, during the third and the fourth acts, Iago manipulates Othello to make him believe that Desdemona is not faithful with him. The language of Othello becomes more uncivilized in the subsequent acts, and thereby, more in line with the language, used by Othello in the fifth act. (Kiran Pp. 12, 1994)

In the start of the play, Othello presents himself to as a man with a very gracious and decent personality and a very calm nature. This was apparent through his conversation with the Duke of Venice concerning the accusations of Brabantio of witchcraft against him. The negative emotions of Brabantio affects his judgment, on the other hand, Othello makes use of wise and poetic language, which shows his rational and calm nature, while he explains to the Duke about his love for his wife. Through his rational and calm reasoning, he manages to persuade the Duke to dismiss the accusations made by Brabantio. Whilst, Brabantio speaks in a very rash, and sometimes in a aggressive manner with Othello, but Othello does not make a reply in the same way. Instead of getting angry at Brabantio, and using rash language, he uses a poetic and wise manner to reply to Brabantio, showing his rational and calm nature. Othello often makes some intelligent statements during his speech with the Duke, e.g. 'unvarnished tale deliver of ...
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