Osteoporosis Linked To Soft Drinks Between Teenagers

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Osteoporosis Linked to Soft Drinks between Teenagers

Osteoporosis Linked to Soft Drinks between Teenagers


The soda can cause osteoporosis due to several of its compounds. Drinking carbonated beverages to excess can increase the risk of developing osteoporosis early, as found in various investigations. The drinks sodas and soft drinks are definitely a product widely consumed around the world, they are practical, easy to get and even cheaper than natural water, but are actually very harmful drinks organism due to all compounds that give us no benefit. Soft drinks are high in phosphoric acid and calcium bicarbonate; these are the main elements that cause bone loss, besides flour and foods rich in animal fat. If these foods are consumed too often, people may develop early osteoporosis, something terrible, especially for women who want children (Tucker et.al, 2006).

How is that carbonated drinks can cause osteoporosis? Inhibit this happens because calcium absorption in the gut and this causes the bones do not have enough calcium and gradually become weaker. Coffee is another drink that inhibits calcium absorption and therefore it is recommended to drink moderately. This is why it is very important what we eat as children, as this will determine the amount of calcium absorbed our body since age 30 people reach the peak of calcium absorption. Besides a good balanced diet, exercise is also healthy for health and to maintain bone health, especially in the basic growth caps (French et.al, 2003).

Excessive consumption of soft drinks and soda causes serious damage to the child's body. Among the outstanding issues would be bones, teeth and obesity. This was confirmed by a new study that was recently conducted by scientists in the United States. Much is that higher consumption of carbonated or sugary drinks, plus body mass index and the risk of obesity increases. The study has been published in the medical journal The Lancet has explained the benefits and problems of consuming these beverages. Refreshments are composed mostly of sugars such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose and therefore, have become in a quick and concentrated source of energy. In this study a relationship between increased soda consumption and obesity prevalence by up to 34 percent showed. Experts indicated that consumption of one litre per day for three weeks could lead to a kilo weight gain while consuming more than 500 ml per day can make other foods of the Mediterranean diet which would cause an imbalance in the diet are removed. This would seriously affect the supply and therefore also the nutritional status of the child. Due to the increase of sugars also appear with oral problems such as cavities, like the bone demineralization, which may condition the bone calcification poor and the occurrence of osteoporosis. A recent research study explained that "has been associated destructive aggressive behaviour with sugars consumption. There is evidence that hyperactive to reduce the consumption of these items by 50 percent (eliminating dyes, artificial flavourings and caffeine) improves performance by up to 42 percent of cases among children (Harnack ...