Osama Bin Laden

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Osama Bin Laden


Seldom there have been figures and personalities in the world which have managed to gain the attention of almost every country, in positive or negative regard, and seldom does it happen that a single person manages to change the whole course and atmosphere of the world. God has made everyone with the same instincts, abilities and the imbedded ethical considerations, it then rests on the discretion of that individual that he either uses his capabilities and resources in a constructive way or a negative way. One's surroundings, upbringing, and beliefs that the society inculcates in him play a vital role in determining his values, beliefs and course of action.

There have been various incidents, attacks and wars that have brought a significant change in the operations and relations of numerous countries with eachother; but history entails only a few occasion where a whole block has stood unitedly against any group, country or even a religion.

Amongst those figures, is a prominent figure of the recent times who for some time brought the whole world to a standstill. This person is known as Ossama Bin Laden or the Chief of the most wanted terrorist organization of the world, Al-Qaeda.

Osama Bin Laden

Osama bin laden was born in 1957 and brought up in saudia Arabia in the early part of his life. Osama bin laden was the son of one of the richest persons in Saudia Arabia. Laden was raised according to the Muslim faith. Unlike many inhabitants of saudia Arabia, Laden was amongst the few excessively educated individuals of his country. Researchers believe that Laden hold his academic degrees in Business administration as well as civil engineering. Right from his young age he was inclined towards religion and religious preachings (Bergen & Myer, p.14).

Osama and Alqaeda

There were a series of steps which led osama's excessive inclination towards Islam and most importantly Jihad. There were a few personalities who had a significant influence on osama which strengthened his inclination, amongst those individuals, were his teachers and professors in his school and college.

Moreover, his tendency towards jihad started when in the early 80's, he started to serve with the mujahideen, and participated himself in the various guerrilla wars, in order to curd the prevailing attack of Russia in Afghanistan. Alqaeda came into existence in 1988, when Osama formed and led a military base and network that offered their services in more than one country. This foundation of Alqaeda was mainly laid by the same militants who fought against the Soviets int heir attempt to capture Afghanistan.

There have been numerous rumours about osama and Alqadea, in which he mostly rendered his services for devising the Islamic military front, to fight against the suppression of Jews and Americans in Middle East. This is the point where Alqaeda gained a strong hold, and kept on formulating initiative to curb the supposed suppression from Israel and America, in mainly Middle East and other Muslim countries (Scheuer, p.204).

Osama and September 11th

For almost every American, osama has been the visual depiction ...
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