Organizing And Delegating

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Organizing and Delegating

Organizing and Delegating


The organization consists of people and is an element of society, which in large part is a set of organizations. People across the organization defend their interests to the public, and the maintain contacts with people. Each member provides a contribution to the solution of some of its problems, is aware of his place in it, in some way responds to the changes affecting their interests, is included in this or that group, providing them more likely to achieve through the implementation of a common position.

In the organization, the people complement each other; put their skills, making them stronger in the struggle for survival. Once emerged, the organization acquires a certain degree of autonomy, allowing it to enter into a certain relationship with their creators. They are used within the organization to achieve its goals: the generation of income, occupation interesting, important and prestigious activity, obtaining the necessary information, ensures the power, security, and social security (Hunter, 2000). The organization, in turn, uses the opportunity to unite its own people for the strengthening and development. Therefore, it expects from its members having a certain experience, knowledge, skills, and active participation in the affairs of the executive, responsibility, discipline, obedience to establish rules and norms of behavior, divide their goals and values.

Organizing People to achieve Objectives

Ideally, the relationship between the person and the organization must be in balance, but the balance may be disturbed as a result of abuse, and with the other hand. It may occur when the people or organization to come down to the position of screws, or people use the organization for their own gain, to the detriment of its capacity and reputation. In either case, the result is the same - the organization is weakened and no longer performs its normal function. Organization, how-ever long opposing the individuals, is destroyed (Rue, 2001). Since all members of the organization in addition to what are the carriers of its interests, have their own, internal contradictions inherent in it, first of all, between the formal and informal elements.

Over the last thirty years, the importance of team work has grown. Until relatively recently, the roles at work have always been well defined. In the factory, for example, there is a strict division of responsibilities and the majority of job titles conveyed exactly what people did. But with advances in technology and education, employers have begun to place an increased focus on versatility, leading to a growing interest in the team work at all levels. The gradual replacement of traditional forms of flat hierarchy, with organizational structures, in which employees are required to fill a variety of roles, he also played a role in the growth of the team.

This means that its role should be officially recognized. Institutional analysis tells us that this recognition through "signs" explicit information as announcing the establishment of the existence of a team and its role facilities that enable the schedule time of consultation, payment (at least partial) of ...
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