Organizations And Community Relations

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Organizations and community relations


Community relations are the way they interact and handle the various publics that are entangled with the process of the organization. The communities comprise customers, neighbors, public officials, government agencies, other nonprofit organizations and potential donors. (Jonathan P.14) The community relation is to control the course of information, together optimistic and pessimistic, about your organization to maximize the constructive opinion and reduce barrier to success. (Rourke P.14)

The influential publics whom they should address are the employees who feel proud of the company, it help to increase the devotion and can help lessen labor costs and production. Moreover, a corporation that has happy workers and a good status in the society is likely to magnetize highly qualified new employees. A small corporation could also produce new commerce through associates and guide generated in their area kindred actions. (Gupta p.18) These associates also supply the company to get backing for growth, discover capable new site, or gain positive action in conditions of taxes, decree, or public services. Good group of people relations can also be helpful in times of tragedy such as a flames or a place closure, calling on the area around the company concerned. (Cramer P.18)


Values and ethics are fundamental to any organization, operating in the field of national security are no exception. Which is exactly what we mean by values and ethics? Both are very broad terms, and we need to focus on the most important for leaders and strategic decision makers. What we first discussed is the distinctiveness of ethics for public officials, secondly, the forces that influence the ethical behavior of individuals in organizations, and thirdly, to explore strategic leaders can take actions to creating ethical climates in their organizations. (Brooks's p.19)

Values are the embodiment of what an organization represents, and should be the basis for the conduct of its members. But what if the members of the organization do not share and have not internalized the values of the organization? Obviously, disconnection between individual and organizational values will be dysfunctional. In addition, an organization can publish a set of values, perhaps in an effort to promote a positive image, while the values that guide organizational behavior really are very different. When there is disconnection between stated values and performance, can be difficult to determine what is acceptable. (Jonathan P.14)


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