Organizations And Behaviours

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Organizations and Behaviours

Organizations and Behaviours

Organizational Structure and Culture

There are a number of concepts that form the important foundation of the systematic experiences of people who aim to achieve a goal by forming groups. There is a lot of importance that is given to these abstract concept and their meanings and they encompass and explain a lot about a business organization. One of these key ideas is the structure and the culture that is exhibited by the organization.

There are many definitions that are put forth to explain the cultural as well as the structural aspects of business organizations (House 2004). However, the features relating to the structural makeup of an organization are mostly official and inflexible, and are continuously maintained by creating and developing policies and procedures. These are designed to define the role and the responsibilities that are going to be held by the members in accordance to their level of responsibility within the structure. The rights of the job position are described to official declare the rewards as well as the penalties that are going to be imposed in case of a breach of the contract. In case a breach is detected, the decision regarding the future relationship of the employee with the organization is determined in accordance with the procedures and rules established for the organization. Therefore, it determines the way an organization is going to operate and perform in order to achieve its business goals (O'Reilly 1991, p487-516). When talking about organizational culture, it is usually implied that the features are strictly documented in the charter of the organization. This is developed over the course of time and determined by the experiences that people share across the organization. This forms an important aspect of the culture of the organization as it encompasses the definitions of the roles and responsibilities, facts, standard operating procedures and others relating to decision making in the business environment.


The most important artefact of organizational structure is a composed document generally termed as the constitutions. This constitution contains the rules and the regulations of its working. Usually the development of the constitution initiates with the wide objectives and purposes of the conglomeration with a focus on reflecting the primary qualities and goals of the members, supporters, or customers. Structural documentation might likewise delineate the essential asset base of the business. For example, numerous organizations usually outline their "classes" of enrolment in their constitutions or local laws, now and then all the more defining the rules of credit for each.

Additionally, the documentation outlines formal work places or positions in the business entity (Scott 2003, p923-945). In any case this isn't the same as work division that seems to list people according to their job roles and responsibilities. Include the various alternative strategies like tax exemption available to it. Moreover, the extents to which these can be exercised in the workplace are also an integral part of the constitution. Understandings about decision making courses of action are sketched in structural ...