Organizational System Analysis And Design

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Organizational System Analysis and Design

Organizational System Analysis and Design


Alliance for Marriage is a US based organization established back in the year 1999. The organization is based on the philosophy of promoting marriage in the US. The organization is a nonprofit social organization that addresses one of the major social issues of the country. Over the past few years, the United States of America has changed into a society that has increasing number of fatherless families. Single parenthood is becoming a norm and is being accepted socially. This, however, is a social dilemma as seen by the selected organization (Stone, 2009). The organization has its headquarters in Virginia and was founded by owner and CEO, Matt Daniels.

The organization is famous for the Federal Marriage Amendment also known as FMA that was made to the US Constitution with the efforts of the organization. As per this amendment, the definition of marriage is given as the sexual and emotional unison between two members of opposite gender. This is one of the most important condition, although the strict lines of difference in gender of the two members is fading owing to the legalization of same sex marriages in some of the US states (Ross, 2011). More recently, the name for the amendment has been changed from FMA to Marriage Protection Amendment.

Like any social organization, the Alliance for Marriage, is faced with many challenging tasks. This means that there are conflicts that the organization has to face in terms of changes in the social dynamics of the organization (Bloom, 2011). The paper discusses the need for a conflict management system in the chosen organization in light with the source of these conflicts. It also brings to light the ethical considerations that relate to the topic.

Need for a conflict management system

Considering the nature of work that is being done by Alliance for Marriage, it would not be wrong to suggest that conflict is embedded in its very roots. This is also reflected in the conflicts and troubles the organization had to face in bringing the amendment to the US constitution in the form of Federal Marriage Amendment. Hence, the discipline that best informs the organizational culture is sociology (Project America, 2013).

Organizational culture is the amalgamation of values and practices that are followed in the organization. An organization culture is the product of the mission and values of the organization. It is this mission and values that tell the employees the reason for the existence of the organization. It gives them a direction as to where they want to be and how they can get there through the implementation of the values. The business practices, as well as the employee behavior are the result of the organizational culture. The organizational culture can also be defined as the shared belief of the organization (AFMUS, 2013). A culture that focuses on high performance engraves this performance in the very roots of the organization. It is a culture where employees take ownership not only of their own work but ...
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