This research paper is based on the Human Resource practices of General Motors. General Motors is one of the world's leading vehicle companies in the United States. The paper has significant and comprehensive findings of challenges of organizational psychology that are faced by the organization. These challenges are employee performance and work motivation. The paper has provided strategies of organizational psychology that will help to cope up these challenges. Theories of organizational psychology are also presented in the paper that will discuss the challenge faced by the organization. The paper will also discuss the role of organizational psychology in the organizational challenges.
Table of Contents
Introduction of General Motors2
Organizational Psychology3
Challenges faced by General Motors that affect on a company3
Employee performance4
Work motivation5
Organizational Psychology Theories (I)7
Douglas Mc Gregor Theory of Motivation7
Basic Theory of X:7
The Basic Theory of Y:8
The Theory of Scientific Management8
Elton mayo Hawthorne affects9
Adam's equity theory of motivation10
Organizational Psychological Theories (II)11
Compensation and Benefit11
Training and Development12
Organizational Psychology General Motors
There are some psychological organizational challenges that are resolved by the Human Resource practices in an organization. General Motors is a multinational company that is included in the list of 500 fortunate companies in U.S. It does business in more than 120 countries. GM employs 209,000 people in every major region of the world because of strategic human resource planning. GM is well aware of the environmental negative impacts so it works with the environment and makes its future plans and projects accordingly. Human resource planning in General Motors is a much emphasized area. They hire 209,000 people in every major region of the world. General Motors hire skilled, optimistic, engaged and competent employees who share innovative ideas and produce best vehicles. Due to human resource planning it keeps assessing and evaluating the employee performance and give growth opportunities to talented employees. General Motors gives extra benefits to its employees like medical plans and investment options because it knows how to decrease the turnover ratio and keep accelerating the employees for better performance in a competitive and dynamic environment. It knows that they have right number and kind of skilled and competent employees working at right positions at right time (General Motors, 2011).
Introduction of General Motors
General Motors is one of the world's leading vehicle companies in the United States. General Motors is passionate about designing, manufacturing, and selling the world's efficient and best vehicle to the customers. General Moors follows the customer-focused culture. Therefore, all the employees work in a team to achieve its hallmark. General Motors is the leader in the vehicle industry and delivers the quality and innovative trucks and cars to the customers on the base of effective leadership who leads the teams for producing best quality vehicles to satisfy the customers across the globe. General Motors believe that the best vehicles can be produced when a company possesses best fit employees who are the most valuable asset of the company. The history of General Motors tells that it was founded in 1908 and started manufacturing horse-drawn ...