Organizational Positioning System

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Organizational Positioning System

Organizational Positioning System

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework and variables that are measured in the survey questionnaire relate to the accurate identification of the organizational culture on its position.

Research Question

How important a role does the culture of an organization play in shaping its strategic goals and how they are achieved?


Critique of Survey Questions

Leadership assumes people would rather be told what to do than to think and make decisions for themselves - CT

Leadership Positioning

#Leadership assumes people would rather be told what to do than to think and make decisions for themselves. CT

We display strong confidence in the integrity and ability of our members. ST

We are confident that leadership will fulfill their commitments. MT

Leadership cares about each individual as a person. ST

Individual development is encouraged and nurtured. PT

Values Direction

#Organizational principles are sometimes compromised to attain the corporate goals. PT

Everyone shares a set of values regarding how people should work together to reach the goals and solve problems. MT

#Our tradition of 'going by the book' often interferes with clear thinking and effective decision making. NT

One of our strengths lies in the strong commitment of doing the right thing because it is the right thing. MT

We have clear and distinct values that guide all decisions. MT

Change Positioning

#We do not have a clear understanding of what is changing and why. MT

Individuals believe they can impact the organization with their ideas and involvement. MT

Low resistance to change enables the organization to adapt rapidly to new information and ideas. ST

We respond to outside issues that influence our organization in a timely and appropriate manner. ST

#New items, processes, procedures, and ideas are frequently met with resistance. MT

Goal Orientation

Individuals have clearly defined goals that match the organization's goals. CT

The mission and purpose of the organization makes each individual feel that what they do is important. CT

#We have not communicated a ...