Organizational Plan Of Vegie Tales Restaurant

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Organizational plan of Vegie Tales Restaurant

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Organizational plan of Vegie Tales Restaurant


The aim and objective of this assignment is to formulate an organizational plan of a vegetarian restaurant “Vegie Tales”. The organizational plan will consist the team structure that will be handling the daily operations, McKinsey 7-S Assessment Model which will be relating the business operations and business level strategy in alignment with the corporate level strategy.

Organizational Plan

Vegie tales will look for qualified personnel to fill the vacant positions of restaurant managers, chefs, waiters and management staff. Job description of the vacancies would be designed in order to hire the people with extraordinary skills. The people who will be hired will bring talent and expertise to the organization. Customers will remember the name of the restaurant just because of the high quality and healthy food which the qualified chefs at the restaurant will be preparing. The people who will be hired by the veggie restaurant will bring their own expertise and build repute and prestige of the restaurant.

McKinsey's 7S Model of Vegie Tales Restaurant

The McKinsey 7S Model is used in the organizations to analyze the environment in order identify as if the organization is achieving its proposed objectives or not. The model consists of seven interdependent factors which include three hard 'S' and four soft 'S'. The hard 'S' includes Strategy, structure, and systems while on the other side, the four soft 'S' includes the shared values, skills, style and staff (Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2007).

The below is the implication of McKinsey's 7S Model in the Vegie Tales Restaurant:

Shared Values: the shared value of the Vegie Tales Restaurant is based on the attitude and core values of the organization towards accomplishing the objectives. The Vegie Tales Restaurant organization aims to achieve its core purposes through becoming the leading chain ...