Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture


Organizational culture is referred to as the values and behaviors of the people in the organization that contribute to the psychological and social environment of the organization. As an individual has its own personality which reflects the background and attributes of that particular individual, similarly organizational culture represents the personality of the organization. It is obvious that every individual has a different personality which reflects his or her social and cultural background and their attributes, similarly in case of organizations, the prevailing culture within the organization provide a summary of the background and values of the organization and people making up the organization. Every organization has a different culture that is shaped according to the purpose of the organization's existence and the work performed in the organization (Ybema, 2011).

The culture of an organization is made up of several factors which are very important to be considered and understood in order to make the culture of an organization unique. Organizational culture of an organization should be realistic and based on factors that reflect the true picture of the values of the organization. It is very important to consider the culture of the country or region in which a particular organization exists. The external environment of the organization also plays a vital role in forming and developing the internal culture of the organization. The organizational culture to some extent set some guidelines for the individuals working in the organization to work according to the prevailing culture of the organization and respect the values and beliefs of every individual within the organization (Alvesson, 2002).

Some important factors that play an integral role in the developments of the culture within an organization include the gender of the individuals working in the organization, the nature of the business in which the organization is involved, the external parties and clients involved in the business activities of the organization, the objectives and goals which the organization aims to achieve and the management style prevailing in the organization (Argyris, 2010). Workforce of an organization is considered to be the main asset for the organization, so the management of an organization should understand the needs of their employees and develop a good organizational culture where the values of individuals are highly considered. Organizational culture is a broad term which is shaped by a number of factors and every individual in the organization should try to maintain the organizational culture to set a good example of their organizational activities in the external environment.

Organizational Culture Inventory

Organizational; Inventory basically provides a picture of the organizational culture in an organization at a particular point in time. The process which is followed during organizational culture inventory is that the employees of the organization are asked several questions relating to 12 distinct behavioural patterns on the basis of which it provides an overview of the organizational culture prevailing in an organization at a particular period (Szumal, 2003). The basic purpose of Organizational Culture Inventory is top examine how the employees of the organization are ...
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