Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture


The culture is one of the organizational pillars to support all those organizations who want to be competitive. Therefore, the central point around which this work is the study of organizational culture as a competitive advantage in a social context of the Venezuelan organizations. In addition, to study the change as the cornerstone of organizational continuous improvement of the organizations also considered relevant to study the importance of management of resources in human advancement of technology. The leading cause organizations to change their culture. The theoretical framework based on the theory exists on the theme developed with relevance to Robbins (1992), and the contributions of Katz and Kahn (1995), with the explanation of the processes of social organizations, the Lewis model for change in three steps, cited by Maim (1989), among others. This premise has recently become critical to the development of competitive advantages and the survival of the organization in a changeable (de roche, 1998, 35).

These strategies should be taken into account by the organization in order to assess and recognize the values of culture that are necessary for the organization, and promote and strengthen them through a plan of action. It allows the organization does not lose viability and effectiveness in their processes of communication, consider communication as a key to culture change and the creation and strengthening of values needed to support cultural strategy, organizational, and face a process of globalization and competitiveness. (Mennen, 1975, 207) Organizational culture defined as "a certain sum of values and norms that shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and they with the environment of the organization. Organizational values are beliefs and ideas about the kinds of goals and how appropriate that should be met. The values of the organization to develop standards, guidelines and expectations that determine the appropriate behavior of workers in situations and control the behavior of members of the organization with each other. "Discussion and Analysis

Organizational culture is the set of rules, habits and values practiced by individuals in an organization, and that makes this form of behavior. This term used in many business organizations today, and therefore, in hospitals or any healthcare organization, is a term that should be taken into consideration.

A rule, as applied to management issues, is all that written and approved, which governs the organization, and must be respected by all the members of it. A rule must be written in detail in documents business management: Organization and Functions Manual, training plans, strategic plans, among others.

A habit for management purposes is what not written, but it accepted as the norm in an organization. Example: If a health facility, smoking is not customary, but there is no written rule against it, knowing it can be annoying to some patients or workers, this habit of not smoking is a feature of the organizational culture of this place.

A value is a quality that a person who belongs to an ...
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