Organizational Culture

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Organizational Culture and Recruitment

Organizational Culture and Recruitment


The recruitment is a set of procedures aimed at attracting qualified candidates to occupy positions within the company. It is essentially an information system, whereby the company provides market reports and human resources employment opportunities are to be filled (Black, 2003, 21).

Concept of Recruitment

To start it is clear that when most people with a higher-level studies have a good deal more knowledge or certain words that the vast majority of those who had the opportunity to study not manage in everyday life is therefore, I think appropriate to define concepts that can later be used and controlled by the person interested in the subject. Some of the definitions of recruitment are taken from different books:

"It's called recruitment process to identify and involve candidates to fill vacancies."

"Recruitment is the set of techniques and procedures aimed at attracting qualified candidates to occupy positions within the organization.”

"Recruitment involves attracting new staff and provides the company."

Recruitment Process

Recruiter vacancies are identified by human resource planning or at the request of management. It could make primarily to the workforce of the company who will serve as a stimulus and are motivate to gain promotion. If you do not have any interest or concern which cover the job requirements, then you have to resort to society using various media in a high impact on society such as local radio (the 1440 am) the newspaper (the BCS, the peninsular) posters (in strategic locations where a large number of people could see them).

What salary and benefits are offered? Do you need something extra in the candidate? It is necessary to make use of such means is a notice clear, simple and above all with the necessary space either time or space.

To answer the above questions, two things should be checked: first job descriptions and providing basic information about the roles and responsibilities including opening and the second is to request additional information from the manager that requested the new employee.

Recruitment in Conventional Literature

Recruitment is the act of enlisting people for a certain cause, in this case, participation in a research experiment. Recruitment consists of activities related to research and the intervention of the sources capable of providing the company with a sufficient number of people it takes to achieve their goals. Recruitment is the process to identify and interest qualified candidates to fill a vacancy. The recruitment process begins and ends the search when receiving applications for employment. The methods of recruitment are varied and in most countries are not subject to legal limitations, except the obvious constraints that compel them to act as ethical and truthful. The job descriptions, discussed above, are an essential tool for recruiters, because they provide the basic information about the functions and responsibilities including each vacancy.

Usually, recruiters perform several steps. The recruiter vacancies identified by the planning of human resources or on request from the address. It will cover both the needs of the position and the characteristics of the person who performs, by contacting the ...
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